This repository is forked from wasmer-java, which simplifies usage by directly packing the dylib into the jar, and decompressing and loading the dylib at runtime, ready to use out of the box.
If you find anything unreasonable, please send email
If shenyu-wasm does not support your CPU architecture or system, you need to build dylib yourself, check Build dylib on my own
compile "org.apache.shenyu:shenyu-wasm-runtime:${x.y.z}"
Below is a example of rust(any other language that compiles to WebAssembly can be used here):
pub extern fn sum(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
x + y
class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// `simple.wasm` is located at `tests/resources/`.
Path wasmPath = Paths.get(Example.class.getClassLoader().getResource("simple.wasm").getPath());
// Reads the WebAssembly module as bytes.
byte[] wasmBytes = Files.readAllBytes(wasmPath);
// Instantiates the WebAssembly module.
Instance instance = new Instance(wasmBytes);
// Calls an exported function, and returns an object array.
Object[] results = instance.exports.getFunction("sum").apply(5, 37);
System.out.println(results[0]); // 42
// Drops an instance object pointer which is stored in Rust.
cd ~
git clone
cd shenyu-wasm/shenyu-wasm-build/
cargo build --release
In macos, you will get the dylib
in ~/shenyu-wasm/shenyu-wasm-build/target/libshenyu_wasm.dylib
In linux, you will get the so
in ~/shenyu-wasm/shenyu-wasm-build/target/
In windows, you will get the dll
in ~/shenyu-wasm/shenyu-wasm-build/target/libshenyu_wasm.dll
Renaming the dylib we built in the previous step, with a naming format of libshenyu_wasm_$(architecture).$(os_cdylib_suffix)
(e.g. libshenyu_wasm_x86_64.dylib), then put it in your own project module(the full path should like ${your_java_project_name}/${your_module_name}/src/main/resources/libshenyu_wasm_$(architecture).$(os_cdylib_suffix)
Finally, at runtime, native-lib-loader
will load it.