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Stefdv edited this page Jun 19, 2020 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the HandleView-DevPreview wiki!

This Github repo belongs to the author of HandleView Alain Guerard. But since i am actually using/testing it in real live i got access to this wiki @Stefdv

What is it?

Design Modern UI in Access with HTML, CSS , JS and VBA

So, you're stuck with MS Access because you work on an Intranet and you hate the old-looking MS forms?
Your database is filled with macros, peaces of VBA etc.and you can't keep track of them ?
You want your users to work with a User Interface that they know ( a website ) ?

HandleView is a framework that let's you create a website from your MS Access data.

Do i need a server ?
_Nope _

So i can use all html,css and javascript that i want to build an interface?
Well...Yes and No. You see HandleView uses the WebBrowser-Control build into MS Access and that Control is - kinda - like IE-11. So with polyfills, tweaking and patience you can do pretty much all you want.

Is it difficult to build something ?
That depends on your knowledge of VBA and of course HTML/CSS/(js). But the package you can download from this repo is a very nice starting place. Do reed the included docs though. (The docs are a work in progress to ;) )

First things first.

Since Handleview is only just released, and i seem to be the first to actually work with it (besides the author of course ;), this wiki will - at first - mainly be a place for short code snippets, brainf*rts etc.In time it will have tutorials to.

Production Ready?

I'm exploring HandleView to the limits and - yes - there are bugs. But bugs are a natural flow of development, and the author of Handleview - Alain - is very willing to discuss -and fix- them. That being said...

What can i (hope) to find in this wiki

I'm developing a full blown admin dashboard with Handleview and in here i will write down tips & tricks. Of course - when other users start working with HandleView - i place there Tips & Trics also.