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Minecraft bot using Mineflayer to manage a Hypixel Skyblock "Bingo Party."

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Like BingoPartyTools, but instead of being a ChatTriggers mod for a real player's main account to use with launching a regular instance of Minecraft, this repo enables a dedicated bot account using Mineflayer, which can then be provided via e.g. a dedicated server.

Features (overview)

  • All of BingoPartyTools’ functionality on the user-facing side (see this separate Readme for how to use if you are a splasher/have party moderation permissions), including commands which are only accessible to and only work for a predefined group of users
  • WIP/TODO: Persistent ban system with support for temporary time-based blocking
  • TODO: Hot reloading of player (allowed permissions/banned) data (and perhaps code modules/specific functions or party commands? Probably not needed anymore)
  • Admin-only “special access“ commands & usage
  • Auto-restart upon program crashes
  • Discord integration for reading the party chat, writing to it (WIP), and monitoring who joins/leaves/is kicked from the party or goes offline

Code & module structure

For potential contributors… or myself, when I eventually come back to fix or extend something:

  • TODO: update this section

How to run

If you are a user of the BingoParty bot system, you do not need to install anything (same as with the previous version based on ChatTriggers), see the table here on how to use.

If you want to run this system yourself, or would like to experiment with the code, you can:

  • Install NodeJS, which is the runtime used for the bot
  • (optionally) Install the Prettier formatter if you're going to modify the code and plan on merging the changes back into the main project
  • Then, git clone
  • Fill in credentials for authenticating the Minecraft to-be-bot account in a new .env file according to the template structure
    • The minimal file contents are as follows:
    • Copy the "simple" .env template file and fill it out with your values if you would like to skip setting up Discord integration in the beginning
  • (optionally) Adapt the entry with property permissionRank: botAccountOwner to your main account's Minecraft IGN in data/playerNames.json to gain full admin privileges and access to all commands
  • After npm installing, you will have to modify two lines of the Mineflayer library to fix a crash on startup.
    Comment out the lines assigning entity.mobType and entity.objectType, which will be around line 170-190 (depending on your version) in the file node_modules/mineflayer/lib/plugins/entities.js:
    if (entityData) {
      //      entity.mobType = entityData.displayName
      //      entity.objectType = entityData.displayName
      entity.displayName = entityData.displayName;
      entity.entityType =;
      // …
    } // …
  • Run ./BingoPartyBot/run-bot for Unix (Linux/macOS/…), on Windows you can execute the run-bot.bat file (which will however not restart the bot upon crashes)
    • Add something for (re)starting with more convenience and only needing to remember a single command to to your .{shell}rc config file, for example using screen: alias restartbpb="screen -d -RR bpb $HOME/BingoPartyBot/run-bot"
  • Additional things (mostly so I have a place in which to look them up):
    • When SSH'd into the server, start a session using e.g. screen -S bpb ./BingoPartyBot/run-bot so that it persists connection resets (see restartbpb command alias above)
    • Reconnect to running session: screen -r bpb, exit viewing (not quitting the program) with ctrl-A D
    • While viewing running session, make it scrollable with ctrl-A [
    • View last session's output: screen -r -d


The project is fairly feature-complete and (mostly) bug-free. I do want to add though, at minimum:

  • Make bot account detect presence outside of limbo/at most lobby areas and re-/limbo in response
  • Fix re-launching on crash, i.e. de-coupling of node process running vs. the Minecraft bot account being logged in on
  • Addition & removal of IGNs to the allowlist via an in-game command (e.g. something like /msg BingoParty !p add splasher:exact_IGN, /msg BingoParty !p add alias:current_IGN new_exact_IGN_1 new_exact_IGN_2, /msg BingoParty !p removeSplasher primary_IGN) for Bingo Brewers staff/admins
    • Partially automate this process by regularly checking all encountered IGNs' associated account UUIDs to see if any name changes have been made, and adapt data entries accordingly
  • Automated git commits & pushes for changes to the data (playerNames.json, banned.json)
  • Automated boot & shutdown on-server at Bingo event start & end dates
  • Potentially (?) a ban system with Discord integration, or at the very minimum, time-based temporary bans with optionally given ban reasons & expirations stored across relaunches.

Credits & thanks

Trypo wrote the initial port to a bot system using Mineflayer. Massive thanks for kickstarting this idea into a project!

Thanks to ooffyy, BossFlea, p0iS, Calva, jbaNate and all splashers of Bingo Brewers for suggestions for new and improved features & all the bug-hunting.

Thanks to Conutik for giving this project a much-needed thorough rewrite and overhaul!


BingoPartyBot is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.


Minecraft bot using Mineflayer to manage a Hypixel Skyblock "Bingo Party."






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