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apib: API Bench

This is a tool that makes it easy to run performance tests of HTTP API servers. It can be built on most Linux platforms, plus Mac OS X and FreeBSD.


apib has been fairly stable for a little while now. Please submit issues or pull requests if you find that you'd like it to do more within reason!

Current Version



Running apib can be as simple as:

apib -c 100 -d 60

The command above will hammer "" as fast as it can for up to 60 seconds using 100 concurrent network connections.


On the Mac, you can now install via Homebrew:

brew install apib

Otherwise, you can build it yourself from source.

See additional documentation for more:


apib has most of the features of Apache Bench (ab), but is also intended as a more modern replacement. In particular, it supports:

  • Proper HTTP 1.1 support including keep-alives and chunked encoding
  • Ability to spawn multiple I/O threads to take advantage of multiple CPU cores
  • Support for POST and PUT of large objects
  • Support for OAuth 1.0 signatures
  • Ability to output results to a file so they may be automated
  • Remote CPU monitoring

In addition, like "ab," it also supports:

  • A simple command-line interface
  • Few dependencies, so it may be easily built and deployed
  • Non-blocking I/O for high concurrency


  1. Spawn one I/O thread per CPU (configured by user)
  2. Allocate a subset of connections to each, and in each:
  3. Start event loop
  4. If total number of connections < C, spawn a connection
  5. Execute HTTP state machine -- connecting, sending, receiving, sending
  6. When connections close, replace them to maintain C connections open
  7. Record results in a shared area
  8. Back in main thread, report on shared results periodically
  9. Time in main thread and signal workers to stop eventually
  10. Report to screen and to file