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Utility for summarizing policy performance from trace files and running API proxies.


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A library providing utility methods to support the offline analysis of trace files to determine relative performance aspects of proxies focused primarily on policy execution.

A future version will include analysis of target calls as well.

Features include:

  • summarize performance of proxies with min, max, and average execution times.
  • summarize by policy type
  • summarize by policy name


The only prerequisites not handled during the installation are a functional Node environment, the availability of npm, and sufficient priviledges to run commands as adminstrator. The steps below are applicable to a Mac OS X environment, similar steps work under Linux or Windows.

Clone the apigee-perf-summary repository to your local machine:

ApigeeCorporation$ git clone

Alternatively you can download the zip file via the GitHub home page and unzip the archive.

Navigate to the package directory:

ApigeeCorporation$ cd path/to/apigee-perf-summary/package/

Install globally:

ApigeeCorporation$ sudo npm install . -g


perf_summary = require("./package/apigee-perf-summary");

    traceFile: "./trace-files/",
    debug: true,
    output: 'fileCount,policyCount,policyNameStats,traceDetails',
    omitAvgThreshold: 4,
    omitMaxThreshold: 8,
    includeDisabled: false

ApigeeCorporation$ node ./summarize-foo.js

Where summarize-foo.js is a script as outlined above.

Output from the script includes a detailed information and JSON results objects of the form:

processed 3 files.
number of policies: 21
statistics by policy type: {
    "JavascriptStepExecution": {
        "count": 3,
        "min": 0,
        "max": 130,
        "averageExecutionDurationMs": 72.66666666666667
statistics by policy name: {
    "jsCalculate": {
        "count": 3,
        "min": 0,
        "max": 130,
        "averageExecutionDurationMs": 72.66666666666667

Remote sessions may be initiated by supplying connection information including the org, environment, api, revision, and credentials authorized to execute trace sessions in the org. Sample:

perf_summary = require("apigee-perf-summary");

    debug: true,
    org: 'davidwallen2014',
    env: 'test',
    api: '24Solver',
    rev: '17',
    auth: 'Basic ZGFsbGfooFwaWdlZbarjb20nomszbSumITIz',
    output: 'fileCount,policyCount,policyNameStats',
    omitAvgThreshold: 0,
    omitMaxThreshold: 0,
    includeDisabled: false

When running against a remote session you can provide a directory for storing the retrieved trace messages for later analysis/review by adding an element to the execution configuration as in:

traceFileCapture: "./capturedTraceFiles"

Note that remote sessions capture a percentage of traffic - it is not capable of nor intended to capture all traffic in a given run. Consider it as sampling as much as 90% or as low as 60% of traffic depending on the speed of your local machine, local network, and rate of traffic in your proxy.

Output is now available in a tabular format, which is readable to humans

|            Policy Statistics by Name            |
|   policy    | count | min | max |  avg  |   σ   |
| jsCalculate |     3 |  31 | 130 | 72.67 | 41.91 |


none yet


You will find sample trace files in the trace-files folder and a sample config in sampleConfig.js.

Security Thoughts

Think twice about putting trace files into a repository. We include them in our sample as a means of demonstrating the framework, but consider that tracefiles may have a wealth of implementation details including API keys, target credentials, and the like.

Installtion Issue on Windows

node-gyp rebuild errors are typicall resolvable by visiting


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.

Release History

  • 0.1.0 Initial release


Utility for summarizing policy performance from trace files and running API proxies.







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