#hosted Link: https://apni-coding.github.io/Meals-App/
This project is a vanilla JavaScript application that uses TheMealDB API to search and display meals. Users can search for meals and add them to their favourites list. The application also has a meal detail page where users can view more information about a particular meal.
Home Page Search any meal from the API and display the search results on the frontend (as you type, the search results should update). Each search result of the meal should have a favourite button, clicking on which the meal should be added to “My favourite meals” (a list). On clicking any particular search result (any meal), open a new page with more information about that meal (meal page).
Should show information about the meal like its name, photo, instructions, etc.
My favourite meals Page
Display a list of all the favourite meals.
Make this list persistent (should have the same number of meals before and after closing the browser/refreshing the browser).
Remove from favourites button: Each meal should have remove from favourites button, clicking on which should remove that meal from the list.
The HTML file contains the structure of the pages and the necessary elements.
The CSS file contains the styling of the pages.
The JavaScript file contains the logic of the application and interacts with TheMealDB API to search and display meals.
Vivek Kumar
Link to video explanation:- https://youtu.be/dtNYzA1SiKw
The code is hosted on GitHub at [https://github.com/your-username/meal-app.](https://apni-coding.github.io/Meals-App/)