Code to accompany Post-quantum nonlocality in the minimal triangle scenario
This is a repository containing the computational appendix of the article "Post-quantum nonlocality in the minimal triangle scenario. Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Antoine Girardin, Tamás Kriváchy, Armin Tavakoli, and Nicolas Gisin. New J. Phys. 25, 113037 (2023) (arXiv:2305.03745)." It provides the codes for obtaining the results depicted in Figures 3 and 4 in the manuscript.
The code is written in Python and MATLAB.
Python libraries required:
- matplotlib for plots
- numpy for math operations
- inflation (and its requirements) for setting up and solving the inflation problems
MATLAB libraries required:
- textprogressbar for progress bars (can be easily removed from the code)
LP/bisection.m: Bisection code for obtaining the values corresponding to classical inflations in Figure 4.
LP/compute_compatibility.m: Code for assessing whether a distribution given by , and admits a triangle-local or triangle-NSI model. This code is used for creating the data for Figure 3.
LP/XXXinflationYYY: Implementations of different inflations of the triangle scenario. Currently: HexagonInflation, WebInflation222, WebInflation322, WebInflation332.
SDP/ Bisection code for obtaining the values corresponding to quantum inflations and large classical inflations in Figure 4.
boundary_E1E2E3.txt: Distributions, characterized by , and , that lie in the boundary between distributions identified as triangle-nonlocal via inflation and those not identified.
plots.ipynb: Code to generate the plots and additional visualizations.
points_E1E2E3.txt: Distributions, characterized by , and , used for producing the figures in the manuscript.
results: Folder where the results of the calculations are stored.
If you would like to cite this work, please use the following format:
A. Pozas-Kerstjens, A. Girardin, T. Kriváchy, A. Tavakoli, and N. Gisin, Post-quantum nonlocality in the minimal triangle scenario, New J. Phys. 25, 113037 (2023), arXiv:2305.03745
doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/ad0a16},
url = {},
month = {nov},
publisher = {IOP Publishing},
volume = {25},
number = {11},
pages = {113037},
author = {Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens and Antoine Girardin and Tamás Kriváchy and Armin Tavakoli and Nicolas Gisin},
title = {Post-quantum nonlocality in the minimal triangle scenario},
journal = {New J. Phys.},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2305.03745},
year = {2023}