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This is the Login SDK for iOS. It allows users to forgo entering passwords into each app and instead authorize from the Passport iOS application. Passport allows you to browse the directory and perform account management functions.


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This is the documentation for the Login SDK for iOS. It allows users to forgo entering passwords into each app and instead authorize from the Passport iOS application. This app allows you to browse the directory and perform account management functions.

Another important function of the SDK is that it allows you to seamlessly offer an option to install Passport, so that users without accounts can sign up for The default signup flow works like this:

ADNLogin signup flow

From left to right above, the steps are:

  1. On your login view or add account screen, present a view which allows the user to launch or install Passport. (This assumes the user does not have Passport installed.)
  2. When a user taps the Install Passport button, display an activity indicator to inform the user that action is taking place.
  3. Display the App Store and invite users to download Passport to create an account. While not visible in the screenshots above, the first screenshot in the store will be tailored to informing users that Passport is for account creation.
  4. When StoreKit is dismissed, the login SDK begins a polling process to determine whether the Passport app has been installed. Once it is installed, it is automatically launched. If polling times out -- e.g., the user cancels the StoreKit view controller without installing, the view returns to its original state. If Passport becomes launchable within 30 seconds of StoreKit closing, it is automatically launched.
  5. The user sees the Passport splash screen. (When launched from the login SDK, this screen may contain additional information about the app which launched Passport.)
  6. The user completes the login or sign up/onboarding process and is presented with an authorize dialog for the app which launched Passport.
  7. The user is returned to the app which launched Passport with an access token.

A sample application which implements this flow is provided with the SDK in the Examples folder. The overlay view visible as the white view in the screenshots above is also included alongside the SDK. You are free to customize the appearance of this view or reimplement it altogether. We do recommend that you keep the copy and functionality similar for the sake of consistency of user experience across apps.


2.1.0: Add methods for finding friends, inviting users and viewing recommended users to follow. Removed adnLoginDidEndFindFriends delegate method. (Test for the app to become active again to determine when you have returned from those activities.) These won't work until Passport 1.1 has been released.


The SDK is designed to have no other dependencies other than iOS itself. It should work with iOS 5.1+, though use of a modern SDK with ARC and "modern" object literal support is required. (If this is a problem for anyone, we can likely change this.)

Your app will need to define a specific URL scheme in its Info.plist file which will identify it to the login SDK. The "Identifier" of this URL scheme must be set up in a specific way. Here is an example: app management screenshot

Should be entered into the URL scheme editor this way:

Xcode Info.plist editor screenshot

Often, developers create multiple apps which share the same client ID but which are represented by different applications in the iOS app store. Each application in iTunes should have the URL scheme for alternate versions with an app-unique identifier, e.g., "ipad" for the iPad version of an application. This suffix should match with the information entered in the app management interface on

Each bundle ID must be associated with an application in the developer management interface. You may either whitelist your bundle ID for test apps or create a Directory Page for your production-ready app. (You do not need to make your page public in order to use the SDK.) If you receive the "Failed to load authorize dialog" error, a mismatch of bundle ID is most likely the problem. Note that bundle ID matching is case-sensitive. Be sure that you are matching the bundle ID exactly.

In your app delegate's header file, import ADNLogin.h and have your delegate implement the ADNLoginDelegate protocol.

NOTE: The ADNLoginDelegate protocol has changed significantly since the 1.x.x releases. Please double-check that you've defined the proper methods on your delegate.

#import "ADNLogin.h"

@interface SLAppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, ADNLoginDelegate>



In your app delegate's .m file, instantiate the SDK, and set the authorization scopes your app will request:

@implementation SLAppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    ADNLogin *adn = [ADNLogin sharedInstance];
    adn.delegate = self;
    adn.scopes = @[@"stream"];


Ensure that the login SDK has the opportunity to handle any open URL which comes back:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
    return [[ADNLogin sharedInstance] openURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation];

Implement the ADNLoginDelegate protocol methods:

#pragma mark - ADNLoginDelegate

- (void)adnLoginDidSucceedForUserWithID:(NSString *)userID username:(NSString *)username token:(NSString *)accessToken {
    // Stash token in Keychain, make client request with ADNKit, etc.

- (void)adnLoginDidFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
    // Report error to user.
    // Passport 1.0.474 does not currently call this method, but newer versions will.
    // The error will have information useful for debugging, but the error message may not be suitable for display to users.

Credential storage is currently out of scope of the SDK. Please be sure to store credentials securely, i.e., in the Keychain as opposed to being stashed in NSUserDefaults. We suggest SSKeychain for this purpose.

Also included is a sample view for launching Passport (which you may wish to subclass and style) and a sample application demonstrating the use of the ADNLogin SDK.

Of course, please feel free to deviate from these directions if you know what you're doing. ;) Everyone has their own habits and preferences when it comes to code -- and that seems to be especially true for ObjC.

Feedback welcome.

Feel free to drop into the Developer Patter room if you need help.


MIT. See LICENSE file included in repository.


This is the Login SDK for iOS. It allows users to forgo entering passwords into each app and instead authorize from the Passport iOS application. Passport allows you to browse the directory and perform account management functions.







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