Allows to convert authorized PKPayment objects to Stripe tokens.
Add the following line to your Podfile for Swift 3.0
pod 'Stripe_watchOS'
If you want to use Swift 2.3 version then use:
pod 'Stripe_watchOS', :git => '', :branch => 'swift-2.3'
Start by providing you publishable key:
WatchOSStripeManager.provide(publishableKey: "pk_test_<KEY>")
Then some where in your code you'd probably want to create PKPayment
(typically when you want to sell something). And present PKPaymentAuthorizationController
let request = PKPaymentRequest()
request.merchantIdentifier = "<MERCHANT_ID>"
request.supportedNetworks = [.amex, .masterCard, .visa]
request.merchantCapabilities = [.capability3DS]
request.countryCode = "US"
request.currencyCode = "USD"
request.paymentSummaryItems = [
PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "App in the Air", amount: NSDecimalNumber(value: 10))
let controller = PKPaymentAuthorizationController(paymentRequest: request)
controller.delegate = self
controller.present(completion: nil)
Then in PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate
handle successful payment's authorization and generate token:
func paymentAuthorizationController(_ controller: PKPaymentAuthorizationController, didAuthorizePayment payment: PKPayment, completion: @escaping (PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus) -> Void) {
WatchOSStripeManager.shared.createToken(with: payment) { token, error in
if let error = error {
guard let token = token else { return }
print("TOKEN FOR PAYMENT: \(token.tokenId)")
Stripe_watchOS is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.