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Showing 12 changed files with 889 additions and 35 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/k8s.contrib.crd/PklProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ dependencies {

package {
version = "1.0.8"
version = "1.0.9"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/k8s.contrib.crd/PklProject.deps.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"package://": {
"type": "local",
"uri": "projectpackage://",
"uri": "projectpackage://",
"path": "../org.json_schema.contrib"
"package://": {
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/org.json_schema.contrib/PklProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ dependencies {

package {
version = "1.0.9"
version = "1.1.0"
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion packages/org.json_schema.contrib/generate.pkl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -29,9 +29,20 @@
/// Otherwise, this falls back to [Dynamic], which is the loosest constraint.
/// - Cannot generate tuple types (this is missing in Pkl).
/// - Properties called `default` cannot be generated (currently a limitation of the json parser).
/// - `allOf` schemas have several limitations
/// * `default` will only be combined when all subschemas have the same value
/// * `deprecated` will be [true] if an only if all subschemas have it set to [true], otherwise it will be null
/// * `readOnly` and `writeOnly` must be identical for all subschemas
/// * `type` must be identical (or null) for all subschemas
/// * `const` must be identical (or null) for all subschemas
/// * if multiple subschemas set `multipleOf`, all must be integers
/// * `format` must be identical (or null) for all subschemas
/// * overlapping `properties` and `patternProperties` entries are merged as `allOf` according to these rules
/// * fields that accept [JsonSchema.Schema] values must all be [JsonSchema] values (or null)
/// * `items` must be [JsonSchema] or null, not [Listing]<[JsonSchema]>
/// * there must be precise overlap between elements of `oneOf` and `anyOf`
/// TODO:
/// - Handle usages of `allOf`. We can do this by merging subschemas into a larger schema.
/// - Copy doc comments from a class or typealias to its usage sites if there isn't a doc comment already.
/// - Handle if schema root is not an object type (Example: ansible's schema root has `"type": "array"`).
/// - Handle if schema root should be a mapping (it has `additionalProperties` or `patternProperties` set).
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions packages/org.json_schema.contrib/internal/ModuleGenerator.pkl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ local jsonRenderer = new JsonRenderer {}
/// The root schema, used to resolve `$ref` values.
rootSchema: JsonSchema

// local collatedRootSchema = rootSchema
local collatedRootSchema = if (rootSchema.allOf != null) TypesGenerator.collateAllOf(rootSchema) else rootSchema

/// The URI representing the root schema, used to resolve `$ref` values.
baseUri: URI

@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ moduleNode: ModuleNode =
declaration {
docComment = getDocComment(rootSchema, "module")
docComment = getDocComment(collatedRootSchema, "module")
when (moduleName != null) {
moduleHeader {
name {
@@ -88,8 +91,8 @@ moduleNode: ModuleNode =
properties =
if (isClassLike(rootSchema))
generateClassBody(rootSchema, allTypeNames)
if (isClassLike(collatedRootSchema))
generateClassBody(collatedRootSchema, allTypeNames)
else null

@@ -142,6 +145,7 @@ local function generateClassBody(
if (referencedSchema == null) new {}
else if (referencedSchema is Boolean) let (_ = trace("WARN: `$ref` points to a boolean somehow")) new {}
else generateClassBody(referencedSchema as JsonSchema, typeNames)
else if (schema.allOf != null) generateClassBody(TypesGenerator.collateAllOf(schema), typeNames)
new {
for (propName, propSchema in!!) {
@@ -220,7 +224,8 @@ local function determineTypeName(path: List<String>, candidateName: String, exis
/// Classes get rendered for any subschema that has [] defined, and does not have [JsonSchema.`$ref`] defined.
local classSchemas: Type.TypeNames =
let (schemas = utils._findMatchingSubSchemas(rootSchema, List(), (elem) -> elem != rootSchema && isClassLike(elem)))
let (collatedSchemas = if (collatedRootSchema == rootSchema) Map() else utils._findMatchingSubSchemas(collatedRootSchema, List(), (elem) -> elem != collatedRootSchema && isClassLike(elem)))
(schemas + collatedSchemas)
.fold(Map(), (accumulator: Type.TypeNames, pair) ->
let (path = pair.first)
@@ -238,7 +243,8 @@ local classNames: Set<Type> = classSchemas.values.toSet()
local typeAliasSchemas: Type.TypeNames =
// Grab all schemas that have `definitions` or `$defs`
let (schemasWithDefinitions = utils._findMatchingSubSchemas(rootSchema, List(), (elem) -> (elem.definitions ?? elem.$defs) != null))
let (collatedSchemasWithDefinitions = if (collatedRootSchema == rootSchema) Map() else utils._findMatchingSubSchemas(collatedRootSchema, List(), (elem) -> (elem.definitions ?? elem.$defs) != null))
(schemasWithDefinitions + collatedSchemasWithDefinitions)
// For each schema, return the child json schema properties that are not class-like
.flatMap((pair) ->
153 changes: 143 additions & 10 deletions packages/org.json_schema.contrib/internal/TypesGenerator.pkl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ function generateTypeNode(
new TypeNode.BuiltInTypeNode { type = "nothing" }
// If we have generated a class or typealias definition already, simply use it.
else if (typeNames.containsKey(schema))
let (type = typeNames[schema as JsonSchema])
else if (typeNames.containsKey(schema._inline_?.getOrNull("__ref_orig__") ?? schema))
let (type = typeNames[(schema._inline_?.getOrNull("__ref_orig__") ?? schema) as JsonSchema])
utils.declaredType1(type, type.moduleName != enclosingModuleName)
// Edge case: if `type` includes `"null"`, treat this as a nullable type.
else if (schema.type is Listing && schema.type.toList().contains("null"))
@@ -454,7 +454,8 @@ local function generateNumberType(schema: JsonSchema): Pair<JsonSchema, TypeNode
if (isInt)
let (minimum = if (schema.exclusiveMinimum != null) schema.exclusiveMinimum!! + 1 else schema.minimum)
let (maximum = if (schema.exclusiveMaximum != null) schema.exclusiveMaximum!! - 1 else schema.maximum)
let (refinedInt = if (minimum == 0 && maximum == math.maxUInt32)
let (refinedInt =
if (minimum == 0 && maximum == math.maxUInt32)
else if (minimum == 0 && maximum == math.maxUInt16)
@@ -564,11 +565,11 @@ local function generateUnionType(schema: JsonSchema, typeNames: Type.TypeNames):
// Force no further constraints to be added by passing on an empty json schema.
new JsonSchema {},
new TypeNode.UnionTypeNode {
members {
members = new Listing<TypeNode> {
for (_type in (schema.type as Listing)) {
generateTypeNode((schema) { type = _type }, typeNames)
@@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ local function generateUnionType(schema: JsonSchema, typeNames: Type.TypeNames):
anyOf = null
new TypeNode.UnionTypeNode {
members {
members = new Listing<TypeNode> {
when (schema.oneOf != null) {
for (s in schema.oneOf!!) {
generateTypeNode(s, typeNames)
@@ -591,7 +592,7 @@ local function generateUnionType(schema: JsonSchema, typeNames: Type.TypeNames):
generateTypeNode(s, typeNames)

@@ -609,7 +610,7 @@ local function generateListingType(schema: JsonSchema, typeNames: Type.TypeNames
/// Used for determining the base type.
local function constOrEnumsMatch(schema: JsonSchema, predicate: (JsonSchema.JsonSchemaValue?) -> Boolean): Boolean =
|| (schema.enum?.toList()?.every(predicate) ?? predicate.apply(schema.enum))
|| (schema.enum?.toList()?.every(predicate) ?? predicate.apply(schema.enum))

/// Returns the name of the schema's type if there is only one type.
@@ -630,7 +631,7 @@ local function unwrappedSingularType(schema: JsonSchema): JsonSchema.JsonSchemaT
/// Tells if the [schema] should be generated as [Number] or [Integer].
local function isNumberSchema(schema: JsonSchema) =
let (type = unwrappedSingularType(schema))
type == "number" || type == "integer" || constOrEnumsMatch(schema, (elem) -> elem is Number)
type == "number" || type == "integer" || constOrEnumsMatch(schema, (elem) -> elem is Number)

/// Tells if the [schema] should be generated as a [String].
local function isStringSchema(schema: JsonSchema) =
@@ -650,7 +651,7 @@ local function isListingSchema(schema: JsonSchema) =
/// Tells if the [schema] should be generated as a [Mapping].
local function isMappingSchema(schema: JsonSchema) =
let (type = unwrappedSingularType(schema))
type == "object" || != null || schema.additionalProperties != null
type == "object" || != null || schema.additionalProperties != null

/// Generates the basic declared type (Int, Float, etc).
@@ -669,5 +670,137 @@ local function generateBaseType(schema: JsonSchema, typeNames: Type.TypeNames):
Pair(schema, generateListingType(schema, typeNames))
else if (isMappingSchema(schema))
Pair(schema, generateObjectType(schema, typeNames))
else if (schema.allOf != null)
let (collatedSchema = collateAllOf(schema))
generateBaseType(collatedSchema, typeNames)
Pair(schema, utils.declaredType("Any"))

local function allOfErr(msg: String) = throw("Unable to combine allOf elements into one schema: \(msg)")

function collateAllOf(schema: JsonSchema(allOf != null)): JsonSchema =
schema.allOf.fold(schema, (res, rawElem) ->
let (resolvedElem = if (rawElem is JsonSchema && rawElem.$$refUri != null) ref.resolveRef(baseUri, rawElem) else rawElem)
let (elem = if (resolvedElem is JsonSchema && resolvedElem.allOf != null) collateAllOf(resolvedElem) else resolvedElem)
new JsonSchema {
// metadata
title = collateInformation(elem.title, res.title)
description = collateInformation(elem.description, res.description)
default =
if (elem.default != null && res.default != null) let (_ = trace("Unable to combine allOf elements into one schema: dropping conflicting default")) res.default
else elem.default ?? res.default
examples =
if (elem.examples != null && res.examples != null)
new {
when (elem.examples is Listing) { ...elem.examples as Listing } else { elem.examples }
when (res.examples is Listing) { ...res.examples as Listing } else { res.examples }
else elem.examples ?? res.examples
deprecated =
if (elem.deprecated == true && res.deprecated == true) true
else null // if we have a mix of null/false/true, this is undeterminable
readOnly = collateMetadataBoolean(elem.readOnly, res.readOnly, "readOnly")
writeOnly = collateMetadataBoolean(elem.writeOnly, res.writeOnly, "writeOnly")

// core
type =
if (res.type != null && elem.type != null && res.type != elem.type) allOfErr("conflicting type")
else elem.type ?? res.type
`const` =
if (res.`const` != null && elem.`const` != null && res.`const` != elem.`const`) allOfErr("conflicting const")
else elem.`const` ?? res.`const`

// number
multipleOf =
if (elem.multipleOf != null && res.multipleOf != null)
if (elem.multipleOf is Int && res.multipleOf is Int) math.lcm(elem.multipleOf!! as Int, res.multipleOf!! as Int)
else allOfErr("multiple non-integer multipleOf")
else elem.multipleOf ?? res.multipleOf
minimum = collateMin(elem.minimum, res.minimum)
exclusiveMinimum = collateMin(elem.exclusiveMinimum, res.exclusiveMinimum)
maximum = collateMax(elem.maximum, res.maximum)
exclusiveMaximum = collateMax(elem.exclusiveMaximum, res.exclusiveMaximum)

// string
pattern =
if (elem.pattern != null && res.pattern != null) "(?:\(elem.pattern))|(?:\(res.pattern))"
else elem.pattern ?? res.pattern
minLength = collateMin(elem.minLength, res.minLength) as UInt?
maxLength = collateMax(elem.maxLength, res.maxLength) as UInt?
format =
if (res.format != null && elem.format != null && res.format != elem.format) allOfErr("conflicting format")
else elem.format ?? res.format

// object
properties = collateProperties(,
patternProperties = collateProperties(elem.patternProperties, res.patternProperties)
additionalProperties = collateSchema(elem.additionalProperties, res.additionalProperties, "additionalProperties")
required =
if (elem.required == null && res.required == null) null
else ((elem.required?.toSet() ?? Set()) + (res.required?.toSet() ?? Set())).toListing()
propertyNames = collateSchema(elem.propertyNames, res.propertyNames, "propertyNames")
minProperties = collateMin(elem.minProperties, res.minProperties) as UInt?
maxProperties = collateMax(elem.maxProperties, res.maxProperties) as UInt?

// array
items =
if (elem.items == null && res.items == null) null
else if ((res.items == null) != (elem.items == null)) elem.items ?? res.items
else if (res.items is JsonSchema && elem.items is JsonSchema) collateAllOf(new JsonSchema { allOf { res.items; elem.items as JsonSchema } })
else allOfErr("conflicting items lhs:'\(elem.items)' rhs:'\(res.items)'")
additionalItems = collateSchema(elem.additionalItems, res.additionalItems, "additionalItems")
minItems = collateMin(elem.minItems, res.minItems) as UInt?
maxItems = collateMax(elem.maxItems, res.maxItems) as UInt?
uniqueItems =
if (elem.uniqueItems == true || res.uniqueItems == true) true
else elem.uniqueItems ?? res.uniqueItems

// composition
oneOf = collateSet(elem.oneOf, res.oneOf)
anyOf = collateSet(elem.anyOf, res.anyOf)
not = collateSchema(elem.not, res.not, "not")

local function collateSet(lhs: Listing<JsonSchema.Schema>(!isEmpty)?, rhs: Listing<JsonSchema.Schema>(!isEmpty)?): Listing<JsonSchema.Schema>(!isEmpty)? =
if (lhs != null && rhs != null)
let (intersection = lhs.toSet().intersect(rhs.toSet()))
if (intersection.isEmpty) allOfErr("conflicting oneOf")
else intersection.toListing()
else lhs ?? rhs

local function collateProperties(lhs: Mapping<String(isRegex), JsonSchema.Schema>?, rhs: Mapping<String(isRegex), JsonSchema.Schema>?): Mapping<String(isRegex), JsonSchema.Schema>? =
if (lhs != null && rhs != null)
new {
for (key in lhs.keys + rhs.keys) {
when (lhs.containsKey(key) && rhs.containsKey(key)) {
[key] = collateAllOf(new JsonSchema { allOf { lhs[key]; rhs[key] } })
} else {
[key] = lhs.getOrNull(key) ?? rhs[key]
else lhs ?? rhs

local function collateSchema(lhs: JsonSchema.Schema?, rhs: JsonSchema.Schema?, fieldName: String): JsonSchema.Schema? =
if (lhs != null && rhs != null)
if (lhs is Boolean && rhs is Boolean) lhs || rhs
else if (lhs is JsonSchema && rhs is JsonSchema) collateAllOf(new JsonSchema { allOf { lhs; rhs } })
else allOfErr("multiple non-JsonSchema \(fieldName)")
else lhs ?? rhs

local function collateMin(lhs: Number?, rhs: Number?): Number? =
if (lhs != null && rhs != null) math.max(lhs, rhs)
else lhs ?? rhs

local function collateMax(lhs: Number?, rhs: Number?): Number? =
if (lhs != null && rhs != null) math.min(lhs, rhs)
else lhs ?? rhs

local function collateInformation(lhs: String?, rhs: String?): String? =
if (lhs != null && rhs != null) "\(lhs)\n----\n\(rhs)"
else lhs ?? rhs

local function collateMetadataBoolean(lhs: Boolean?, rhs: Boolean?, fieldName: String): Boolean? =
if (lhs != rhs) allOfErr("conflicting \(fieldName)")
else lhs
20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions packages/org.json_schema.contrib/ref.pkl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -85,7 +85,15 @@ function resolveRef(baseUri: URI, schema: JsonSchema): JsonSchema.Schema? =
let (parts = parseJsonPointer(ref.fragment ?? ""))
if (isSameDocument(baseUri, ref))
resolveRefImpl(schema.$$baseSchema, parts.drop(1), ref)
.ifNonNull((it) -> utils.mergeSchemas((schema) { $ref = null }, List(it)))
.ifNonNull((it) ->
(schema) { $ref = null },
List(it as JsonSchema.Schema)
)) {
// store the original content of the referent for subsequent typeNames lookup in generateTypeNode
_inline_ { ["__ref_orig__"] = it }
// Otherwise, we need to figure out the correct relative path.
// This is done by resolving [ref] against the base URI.
// If the resolved URI is a different document, it is read and parsed first.
@@ -100,4 +108,12 @@ function resolveRef(baseUri: URI, schema: JsonSchema): JsonSchema.Schema? =
$$baseSchema = this
resolveRefImpl(parsedJsonSchema, parts.drop(1), ref)
.ifNonNull((it) -> utils.mergeSchemas((schema) { $ref = null }, List(it)))
.ifNonNull((it) ->
(schema) { $ref = null },
List(it as JsonSchema.Schema)
)) {
// store the original content of the referent for subsequent typeNames lookup in generateTypeNode
_inline_ { ["__ref_orig__"] = it }
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions packages/org.json_schema.contrib/tests/ModuleGenerator.pkl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module org.json_schema.contrib.tests.ModuleGenerator
amends "pkl:test"

import "@jsonschema/JsonSchema.pkl"
import "@jsonschema/Parser.pkl"
import "../internal/ModuleGenerator.pkl"

examples {
@@ -366,4 +367,8 @@ examples {
new ModuleGenerator { rootSchema = schema; moduleName = "" }.moduleNode.render("")
["allOf"] {
local schema = Parser.parse(read("./test_allOf.json")) as JsonSchema
new ModuleGenerator { rootSchema = schema; moduleName = "" }.moduleNode.render("")

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