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All Commands

appu1232 edited this page Oct 16, 2017 · 50 revisions

Note: I am listing these commands assuming that your cmd_prefix is set to > If you changed it then use your prefix instead.

Run any command by typing whatever cmd_prefix you have set followed by the command. Ex: >about

General bot commands


Description: Link to this github project and some more info.
Usage: about


Description: List of all commands and what they do (not as detailed as this section)
Usage: help or help <command>


Description: Quits the bot.
Usage: quit


Description: Restart the bot. If there is an update available it will prompt you if you want to update as well.
Usage: restart


Description: Updates the bot to the latest version.
Usage: update


Description: Bot stats and some user info. Includes information such as uptime, messages sent and received across servers (since the bot started) and some other info.
Usage: stats


Fun stuff


Description: Let the 8ball show you your future.
Usage: 8ball <text>


Description: Animate text set in files in the anims folder. Do >help animate for more details on how to set it up.
Usage: animate <animation>


Description: Send text as ascii art.
Usage: ascii <text>

ascii font

Description: Set the font for the ascii art. List of all available fonts:
Usage: ascii font <font>


Description: Roll dice. Optionally, input the # of dice and the # of sides for the dice.
Usage: dice or dice <n> <m> where <n> is the # of dice and <m> is the # of sides.


Description: React to the above message with the given text. If the message id is given, it will react to that message instead. Note: <text> must not have any spaces.
Usage: react <text> or react <text> <id>


Description: Send each letter in this message as regional indicator emojis.
Usage: regional <text>


Description: Set text you want to automatically replace with something else.
Usage: replacements to access the menu for setting/deleting replacements.


Description: Put a space between each letter in the message. Optionally, specify how many spaces to put between each letter.
Usage: space <text> or space <n> <text> to put <n> spaces between each letter.


Description: Flip given text.
Usage: textflip <text>


Description: Countdown seconds with a little animation before deleting the previous message. Very stupid, very unnecessary, and it abuses the rate-limit...but it's pretty funny to see people's reactions. :P
Usage: selfdestruct <n>


Description: Urban dictionary search of given text.
Usage: ud <txt>


Description: Replaces all vowels in a word with a letter
Usage: vowelreplace <replace> <msg>


Description: Get latest xkcd comic or input search terms to find a specific one
Usage: xkcd or ud <txt>

Setting/cycling game and avatar


Description: Set your game. If multiple are given, it will cycle through them. The game won't show for yourself but other people can see it. The bot sets the game status on startup as well if you set it up once.

  • game- turn off game status
  • game <text> - set game as <text>
  • game <text1> | <text2> | <text3> | ... - set multiple games to cycle through


Description: Set your stream. Same as game command except for slight variation in usage.

  • stream or stream <text>=<url_to_stream> or stream <text>=<url_to_stream> | <text2>=<url_to_stream> | <text3>=<url_to_stream> | ...


Description: Sets your avatar by cycling through the images you have under the avatars folder (if you have Nitro, gifs are also supported). It will prompt you with your desired interval and whether to change randomly or in order.

  • On first use, this command will require your discord password. This is just a limitation of the API. In no way is your password being distributed. It is just stored locally and called on internally to change your avatar. Just make sure you input the password in a private channel so no one sees it.

Usage: avatar

Custom Commands


Description: List all custom commands. The long version is more detailed (shows all the replies for each cmd as well). Usage: customcmds or customcmds long

A sample custom command that outputs a picture:



Description: Add a custom command
Usage: add <command> <response> or add <command> <response_name> <response>


Description: Remove a custom command
Usage: remove <command> or remove <command> <response_name>

Invoke the custom command with .command or .command response_name (if . is your customcmd_prefix) for that specific response if multiple were given.

See the Custom Commands section for more info on how to invoke commands and set up multiple responses to the same command.

Google web and image search commands


Description: Google search. Depending on the type of result, certain google cards can be parsed.
Usage: g <tags>


img img


Description: Google image search.
Usage: i <tags> or i <n> <tags> to get the nth result >i <tags> - Google image search. >i <n> <tags> gives the nth result.

An image search result:


You will need a Google API key and custom search engine id in order to use the >i command. Follow the steps in the Google API section to grab those.

Imagedump saver


Description: This command goes through a certain number of messages in a channel and downloads all the images/gifs/webms it finds (attachments and urls). It detects and ignores duplicate images. Also has many flags that can be specified which gives more options as to what images to download and where to look.
Simple usage: imagedump <n> to check the last <n> messages in this chat and downloads all the images/gifs/webms found.

More options: imagedump <n> | items=<m> | before=YYYY-MM-DD | after=YYYY-MM-DD | dim=WidthxHeight | ratio=Width:Height | type=<type_of_item> | channel=<id> | user=<id> - add any one or more of these to the command to furthur specify your requirements to find items.

  • items=<m> - when checking the last <n> messages, only download <m> items max.
  • before=YYYY-MM-DD - check <n> messages before this date. Ex: before=2017-02-16
  • after=YYYY-MM-DD - check <n> messages after this date.
  • dim=WidthxHeight - only download items with these dimensions. Ex: dim=1920x1080 Optionally, do dim>=WidthxHeight for images greater than or equal and dim<=WidthxHeight for less than or equal to these dimensions.
  • ratio=Width:Height - only download items with these ratios. Ex: ratio=16:9
  • type=<type_of_item> - only download these types of files. Ex: type=png or type=gif, webm All options: jpg, png, gif (includes gifv), webm.
  • channel=<id> - download from a different channel (can be from a different server). Useful if you can't send messages in that channel. Enable developer mode, right click on the channel name, and hit copy id to get the id. Ex: channel=299293492645986307
  • user=<id> - download only items posted by this user. Right click on the user to get their id. Ex: user=124910128582361092

Example: I want a new wallpaper. I download 100 items with type .png that fit on my 16:9 monitor with at least 720p quality:

  • >imagedump 5000 | items=100 | type=png | ratio=16:9 | dim>=1280x720
    • Note that the number of messages to check is still needed here. You don't need any exact number, just specify a vague number of messages that you think will cover the amount.

Other imagedump options:

imagedump dir

Description: If you want to change where the images/gifs are automatically saved to.
Usage: imagedump dir <path_to_directory>

imagedump s

Description: Downloads silently without sending a "Downloading..." message or a "Done" message at the end. Useful if you don't want to clog up the channel.
Usage: >imagedump s <n>

imagedump pause

Description: Pause any imagedumps occurring right now.
Usage: imagedump pause

imagedump resume

Description: Resume any paused imagedumps. Imagedumps can be resumed even after the bot is turned off and on.
Usage: imagedump resume

imagedump stop

Description: Stop any imagedump downloads occurring right now.
Usage: imagedump stop

Note: Large number of messages specified for <n> (> 100,000) will take a decent amount of time to just fetch, let alone download. The console may be stuck at fetching for a while and may say "Unclosed client session" but it's fine, it will just take some time.

MyAnimeList commands

mal anime

Description: Searches MyAnimeList for specified anime entry.
Usage: mal anime <tags> or mal anime [link] <tags> to only get a link to the anime rather than a full info embed.

mal manga

Description: Searches MyAnimeList for specified manga or light novel entry.
Usage: mal manga <tags> or mal manga [link] <tags> to only get a link to the manga/LN rather than a full info embed.

A MAL search result:


mal char

Description: Searches MyAnimeList for specified manga or light novel entry.
Usage: mal manga <tags> or mal manga [link] <tags> to only get a link to the manga/LN rather than a full info embed.

mal va

Description: Searches MyAnimeList for specified voice actor.
Usage: mal va <tags> or mal va [more] <tags> for a bit more info (will require more time and power).

mal next

Description: See when the next episode of the specified anime airs.
Usage: mal next <tags>

Server commands


Description: Get various information about the server.
Usage: server or server <name of server>



server role

Description: Get info about said role.
Usage: server role <name of role>

server avi

Description: Gets the server image.
Usage: server avi or >server avi <name of server>

server emojis

Description: Lists all the custom emojis for the current server.
Usage: server emojis


Description: Get info about channel.
Usage: channel or channel <channel>


Description: Get info about invites.
Usage: inviteinfo or inviteinfo <invite>



Description: Set your default status when you are not online Discord but the bot is still on. All options: idle, dnd, offline. Default is idle.
Usage: afk <status>


Description: Set the bot prefix (the identifier).
Usage: botprefix <text>


Description: Set the command prefix. Requires a restart.
Usage: cmdprefix <text>


Description: Set the custom command prefix.
Usage: customcmdprefix <text>


Description: Simple calculator.
Usage: calc <eval> Ex: calc 44 * (45-15)


Description: Randomly chooses one of the given options.
Usage: choose <Option 1> | <Option 2> | ...


Description: Remove the last message or last n messages you sent (along with this one).
Usage: d deletes the last message, d <n> deletes the last n messages


Description: Show current date.
Usage: date


Description: Make an embed out of the message. You can customize all attributes of the embed.
Usage: embed to see how to use the embed fields, embed <fields> to create an embed.


Pro tip: Save custom embeds by adding the entire command as a custom command. Ex: >add "customembed" ">embed title=hello world | description=this is a test | color=3AB35E"


Description: Edit an embed you sent. Useful if an embed is outdated and you want edit it but don't want to delete it and resend as a new message.
Usage: editembed <msg_id>


Description: Gets the image url for the specified emoji (checks across all your servers, not just the current one).
Usage: emoji <emoji> or emoji s to get the id and server where the emoji is from.


Description: List friend codes for various platforms.
Usage: fc to list all friend codes. help fc for more info on how to set up your friend code data.


Description: Post given text to hastebin.
Usage: hastebin <txt>

link shorten

Description: Shorten a url.
Usage: link shorten <url>

link lengthen

Description: Lengthen a shortened url.
Usage: link lengthen <url>


Description: Gives a link with the specified tags for when you want to be a smartass.
Usage: l2g <tags>


Description: Get color for the given hex.
Usage: getcolor <hex>


Description: Posts the given text or file to Gist.
Usage: gist <text> or gist file <path_to_file>


Description: See various discord info about yourself or a specified user.
Usage: info or info <user>



info avi

Description: See a bigger version avatar of yourself or a specified user.
Usage: info avi or info avi <user>


Description: Saves messages to a file under the messagedump folder.
Usage: messagedump <n> <filename>


Description: Change your nickname on a server. Leave empty to remove nick.
Usage: nick <text> or just nick to remove nickname.


Description: Show current time and date.
Usage: now


Description: Responds with ``pong`` and also gives the response time.
Usage: ping


Description: Create a strawpoll.
Usage: poll <title> = <Option 1> | <Option 2> | ...


Description: Quotes a message sent in the server (if it wasn't too long ago) with the given words and quotes that. Also works with message id.
Usage: quote <words> or quote <message_id>


Description: Checks the roles of a user
Usage: roles <user>


Description: Reaction based poll.
Usage: rpoll <question> | <answer> | <answer> or rpoll <question> | <answer> | <answer> | time=<number_of_seconds> to specify for how long the poll should run.


Description: Get the source of the specified image/gif/whatever. Very detailed and powerful source finder thanks to sauce.nao. It even tells you the timestamp for images from shows or links to original source + author for fanart and such.
Usage: sauce <link>


Description: Encrypt the spoiler and provides a link to decode it using ROT13. Basically spoiler tagging a message.
Usage: spoiler <title> | <some spoiler>


Description: Get local time.
Usage: time


Description: Set preferred timezone. Use >timezonelist for full list of timezones
Usage: timezone <location>


Description: List of all available timezones. Find yours and enter in in for the timezone command.
Usage: timezonelist


Description: Todo list. Set timers as well and get notified if you have a webhook setup from the keyword notifier section. Also possible to set timers to repeat and send a message to a channel when the timer runs out.
Usage: todo to view your list todo add <txt> to add an item todo add <txt> | <time> to set a timer for the item. See help todo for more in-depth info on how the todo list works.


Description: Translate given text to the specified language. The original language will be assumed automatically.
Usage: translate <language> <text>


Description: Convert the emoji to unicode emoji if possible.
Usage: uni <emoji>


Description: Lists all users (across all servers you are in) that have their playing status as the given text.
Usage: whoisplaying <txt>


Description: Search youtube for given txt.
Usage: youtube <txt>

Custom cog manager

This section allows you to install various add-ons that are available for the bot. Full list of add-ons. For more information as well as instructions to create your own add-on, go here.

cog list Description: See list of available custom cogs for download.
Usage: cog list

cog install Description: Install a cog.
Usage: cog install

cog uninstall Description: Uninstall a cog.
Usage: cog uninstall

cog update Description: Update a cog.
Usage: cog update

cog view Description: View information about a cog.
Usage: cog view

Mod commands


Description: Ban a user if you have the permission to do so. You can tag them or use their user id.
Usage: ban <user>


Description: Kick a user if you have the permission to do so. You can tag them or use their user id.
Usage: kick <user>


Description: Lock channel. Prevents anyone from sending messages in the channel. You must setup the moderation.json properly first. WIP.
Usage: lockdown


Description: Unlock a locked channel. You must setup the moderation.json properly first. WIP
Usage: unlock


Description: Mute a user if you have the permission to do so. You can tag them or use their user id.
Usage: mute <user>

mute channel

Description: Mute a user in the current channel if you have the permission to do so. You can tag them or use their user id.
Usage: mute channel <user>


Description: Unmutes a user if you have the permission to do so. You can tag them or use their user id.
Usage: unmute <user>

unmute channel

Description: Unmutes a user in the current channel if you have the permission to do so. You can tag them or use their user id.
Usage: unmute channel <user>


Description: Purges the last x messages.
Usage: purge <n> or purge <n> <text> where it checks messages and only deletes messages that contain <text>.


Description: Softban a user. You can tag them or use their user id.
Usage: softban <user>

Keyword logging and chat history commands


Description: See what, where, and how you are logging/tracking. See the Keyword Notifier section below for more commands used for keyword logging.
Usage: log

A logged message:


log history

Description: Output the last <n> number of messages from the chat you just used the command in, including deleted messages.
Usage: log history <n>

Python Interpreter


Description: Python interpreter. Similiar to RoboDanny's ?debug command. Does both exec and eval statements.
Usage: py <code>

The following environment variables are provided: bot, ctx, message, server, channel, author. The last three are shortcuts for attributes of message, meaning that author is a Member of the current server (as opposed to the more limited User object found by bot.user)

py save

Description: Saves the last py <code> snipet you ran.
Usage: py save <filename>

  • >py save <filename> >py run <filename> >py list >py view <filename> >py delete <filename> - Save/run/delete/view the contents of scripts. >py save <filename> saves the last >py <code> you did into a file.

py run

Description: Run a saved snippet of code you saved with py save.
Usage: py run <filename>

py delete

Description: Delete a saved snippet of code you saved with py save.
Usage: py delete <filename>

py view

Description: View a saved snippet of code you saved with py save.
Usage: py view <filename>

py list

Description: List all snippet of code you saved with py save.
Usage: py list or py list <page_number>


Description: An embeded shell form of ?debug. Based entirely off of eye-sigil's repl shell. Kind of unnecessarily huge and fancy but hey, it looks nice. Usage: repl to start a repl shell, repl jump to bring the shell to the latest message, repl clear to clear the shell
Enter code into the reply by typing code within one pair of ` like this: `print('test')`
`quit` to quit the shell



Description: Load a cog
Usage: load <cog> Ex: load cogs.misc


Description: Unload a cog
Usage: unload <cog> Ex: unload cogs.misc


Description: Reload all cogs
Usage: reload

I Know What I'm Doing


Description: List all installed cogs.
Usage: cogs


Description: Clears the console of any errors or other messages.
Usage: clearconsole


Description: Clear command count records (used to display most used cmd in stats cmd).
Usage: clearcmdcount


Description: Redirect STDOUT and STDERR (command line outputs) to a channel
Usage: redirect


Description: Redirect STDOUT and STDERR back to command line
Usage: unredirect

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