If you'd like to jump to the QuickStart, otherwise keep reading.
The project started at Aptise Media as an internal tool for obtaining and managing SSL Certificates for customer domains. The project integrated an ACME(v1) Client, a SQL based Certificate Manager, and an OpenResty plugin for dynamic certificate loading.
ACME-V2 support involved a large rewrite of the Client and the Certificate
Manager's design. The central object changed from a CertificateSigned
to the
, which caused a ripple effect. The V1 release again changed the
central object to a new RenewalConfiguration
Peter SSLers or how i stopped worrying and learned to LOVE the SSL Certificate.
is a framework designed to help experienced Admins and DevOps
persons manage SSL Certificates and deploy them on larger systems (e.g. you have
lots of Domains and/or Nodes and/or Networks). This system is NOT designed for
casual usage; it was designed for the needs of cloud deployed PAAS/SAAS systems
that host domains for scalable numbers of customers over scalable nodes.
What's in the "box" ?
- This project is a Python/Pyramid based
robust SSL Certificate Client, Manager and Explorer, complete with:
- an Admin Dashboard,
- a fullly programmatic API,
- commandline tools
- cron job "routines"
- an integrated ACME V2 Client optimized for the LetsEncrypt CertificateAuthority.
- The paired project
Lua-Resty Peter_SSLers
is an OpenResty Lua module to enable
Dynamic SSL Certificate Handling on the
This library contains everything you need to ssl-erate an inifinitely scaleable multi-server or multi-domain setup!!!
Amazing, right?
This project is not aimed at casual users or people concerned with a handful of websites or servers.
This project is designed for people who have lots of Domains and/or Servers, all of which need to be coordinated and centrally managed. The target audience is companies that offer whitelabel services, such as: SAAS, PAAS, hosting user domains, and other infrastructure oriented systems.
If you can use Certbot or another consumer friendly simple client to solve your needs, YOU ALMOST ABSOLUTELY WANT TO USE THAT CLIENT.
Peter, as we fondly call this package, offers lightweight tools to centrally manage SSL Certificate data in a centralized SQL database of your choice. PostgreSQL is recommended; Sqlite is supported and the primary testing environment. A good-faith effort is made to get this to work on MySQL, but, well, sigh.
Peter combines an integrated ACME V2 Client designed to primarily operate against the LetsEncrypt service, alongside tools designed to manage, deploy and troubleshoot SSL Certificates.
The client supported ACME v1 until version 0.4.0
As of 0.4.0, Only ACME V2 is supported.
As of 0.5.0, Only lua-resty-peter_sslers >0.5.0 is supported.
It is highly likely that PeterSSLers will work with most, if not all, ACME Servers. However, only LetsEncrypt is supported as a target ACME Server at this time. LetsEncrypt implementation of the ACME RFC, Boulder has made some unique decisions regarding RFC spec-compliant implementation details, and this system was written to support those first and foremost.
Peter's core tool is a lightweight database-backed Pyramid application that can:
- Act as a client for the entire ACME Certificate provisioning process, operating behind a proxied webserver for HTTP-01 challenges or integrating with an acme-dns .
- Offer a unified API for creating and managing the ACME process. Your client software will only talk to Peter, never LetsEncrypt/ACME.
- Import existing ACME Account Credentials for various CA Operations.
- Import existing SSL Certificates for management and exploration
- Ease provisioning Certificates onto various servers across your systems
- Browse Certificate data and easily see what needs to be renewed
- Interact with the upstream ACME Servers to deal with accounts, pending AcmeAuthorizations, and all that mess.
- Communicate with a properly configured
OpenResty enabled
web server (see next section) - Prime a Redis cache with Certificate data
- Translate Certificates into different formats
- Be the source of lots of puns!
Peter ships alongside a Lua
module for the
OpenResty framework on the Nginx
server which will:
- Dynamically request Certificates from a primed
cache - Store data in
's shared worker and main memories - Expose routes to flush the worker shared memory or expire select keys.
The Peter_SSLers OpenResty Module
module is available in a separate project,
lua-resty-peter_sslers and can
be installed into your OpenResty / Nginx
server via the opm
package installer. It has been used in production for several
The Pyramid based application can function
as a daemon for Admin or API access, or even a commandline script. Most web pages
offer .json
endpoints, so you can easily issue commands via curl
and have
human-readable data in a terminal window. Don't want to do things manually? Ok -
everything was built to be readable on commandline browsers... yes, this is
actually developed-for and tested-with Lynx. I sh*t you not, Lynx.
Do you like book-keeping and logging? Peter's ACME Client logs everything into SQL so you can easily find the answers to burning questions like:
- What AcmeAuthorizations are still pending?
- What AcmeChallenges are active?
- Which external IPs are triggering my AcmeChallenges?
- Where did this PrivateKey come from?
- How many requests have I been making to upstream servers?
All communication to the upstream ACME server is logged using Python's standard
module: peter_sslers.lib.acme_v2
- log level:
will show the raw data received - log level:
will show the response parsed to json, when applicable
Do you like cross-referencing? Your certs are broken down into fields that are cross-referenced or searchable within Peter as well.
Peter has absolutely no security measures and should only be used by people who understand that. This should be a self-selecting group, because many people will not want this tool. Peter is a honeybadger, he don't care. He does what he wants.
Peter offers several commandline tools -- so spinning up a tool "webserver" mode may not be necessary at all -- or might only be needed for brief periods of time.
SQLAlchemy is the underlying database library, so virtually any database can be used
(SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, mssql, etc). SQLite
is the default, but
the package is deployed against PostgreSQL. SQLite is actually kind of great,
because a single .sqlite
file can be sftp'd on-to and off-of different machines
for distribution and local viewings.
Peter will use installed Python cryptography modules whenever possible. If the required packages are not available, Peter will leverage the system's installed OpenSSL binaries using subprocesses. The reason is to minimize the amount of installations/downloads/packages when used for emergency debugging. Every single operation involved with procuring and inspecting SSL Certificates is implemented Python-first, with an OpenSSL fallback. This is because an initial purpose of Peter was import, troubleshoot and ultimately replace complex Certbot installations.
There are 2 main libraries:
The paired Lua-Resty Peter_SSLers project, an OpenResty Lua module that enables Dynamic SSL Certificate Handling on the
webserver. -
This Python library, Peter_SSLers, which provides:
- Commandline Tools
- A webserver application for obtaining and managing certificates
- designed for JSON/API programmatic usage
- usable by humans with simplified html
Provisioning Certificates and initial orders are currently done through the web interface.
Renewing Certificates can be done via two methods:
- If the web application is running, it can renew certificates
- A commandline cron routine will spin up a webserver to answer challenges if needed
Current support for ACME Challenge Types:
- HTTP-01: answered by the native webserver
- DNS-01: domains will be registered with a global acme-dns server
- TLS-ALPN-01: support is not currently planned
Most of us hate having to spend time on DevOps tasks. Personally, I would rather spend time working on the core product or consumer products. This tool was designed as a swiss-army-knife to streamline some tasks and troubleshoot a handful of issues with https hosting. This also allows for programmatic control of most ACME operations that can be difficult to accomplish with Certbot and other popular clients.
Peter sits in between your machines and LetsEncrypt. It is designed to let your applications programmatically interact with ACME servers, allowing you to provision new Certificates and load them into webservers.
Peter is originally designed for systems that offer whitelabel services in the cloud.
PRs are absolutely welcome, even if just fixes or additions to the test-suite.
Peter SSLers is fully functional and deployed in production environments for:
- Certificate Management
- Certificate Procurement
- Manual Renewal
- Programmatic Renewal
- Interrogating and syncing against ACME Servers
The following features are being actively reworked and semi-functional:
- Queuing new Domains for Certificate Provisioning
- Automatic Renewal
- This package manages PRIVATE SSL KEYS and makes them readable.
- If you do not know / are not really awesome with basic network security PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS.
Feature | Supported? |
New Certificate | Yes |
Renew Certificate | Yes |
Deactivate Account | Yes |
Account Key Rollover | Yes |
Automatic Renewal Information | Yes |
"Peter SSLers" is the core toolkit. It is a Pyramid application that can be spun up as a webserver or used via a commandline interface. Peter is your friend and handles all of the Certificate Management and translation functions for you. He's a bit eccentric, but basically a good guy.
By default, the "SSL Minnow" is a SQLite database ssl_minnow.sqlite
. It is the
backing datastore for SSL Certificates and the operations log. Your data is ONLY
saved to the SSL Minnow - not to the filesystem like other LE clients - so you
should be careful with it. If the Minnow would be lost, it can not be recovered.
Be a good skipper, or your three hour tour could end up taking many years and might
involve the Harlem Globetrotters, who are great to watch but do you want to be stuck
on a remote desert island with them?!?! No.
OpenResty is a fork of the nginx webserver which offers a lot of programmatic hooks (similar to Apache's mod_perl). One of the many hooks allows for programmatic determination and loading of SSL Certificates based on the hostname.
A tiered waterfall approach is used to aggressively cache Certificates:
- initial attempt:
worker memory - failover 1:
shared memory - failover 2: centralized
server - failover 3: querying the
Peter SSLers
The Pyramid application can be used to prime and clear each cache level.
SSLX, I'm your only friend. SSLX, Your love will sing for you.
Available via the opm package manager:
opm get lua-resty-peter_sslers
The source and docs are available on a separate github repository:
Several "routines" and scripts are provided for commandline invocation:
Routines for cron:
routine__automatic_orders This will order certs under the following conditions:
- managed certs that are expiring, based on ARI or notAfter
- active renewal configurations that have not ordered a primary or backup
If certs need to be ordered, a WSGI server running on :config.ini:
will be spun up to answer AcmeChallenges in a subprocess. Whatever server is listening to port80 should proxy to this server. -
routine__automatic_orders low-cost cronjob to check ari as necessary
routine__run_ari_checks low-cost cronjob to check ari
register_acme_servers can be used to :
- load additional CAs through a json file
- assign TrustedRoots to existing or new CAs
- export existing acme-server configurations, in a format that can be imported by the same tool
- directly imports a local certbot directory (unlike
below, which use the API)
- directly imports a local certbot directory (unlike
- dev tool to refresh the pebble certs when needed
The "/tools" directory contains scripts useful for Certificate operations. Currently this includes:
- An
script for importing Certbot archives, and potentially other tasks. - A sample
that will spin up a web server with routes which you can test against. This will allow you to setup your proxy integration without running peter_sslers itself. Responses include the header:X-Peter-SSLers: fakeserver
. - A
script that can be used to alter anacme-dns
database to support deterministically named DNS subdomains instead of the default randomized guid subdomains.
See TODO.txt
Please read the Full Installation Instructions
There is also a QuickStart
The abridged version:
''' mkdir certificate_admin cd certificate_admin virtualenv peter_sslers-venv source peter_sslers-venv/bin/activate git clone https://github.com/aptise/peter_sslers.git cd peter_sslers $VENV/bin/python setup.py develop vi conf/example_development.ini $VENV/bin/initialize_peter_sslers_db conf/example_development.ini $VENV/bin/import_certbot conf/example_development.ini dir=/etc/letsencrypt $VENV/bin/pserve conf/example_development.ini '''
- QuickStart
- Installation
- Configuration Options
- General_Management_Concepts
- Implementation_Details
- Automation
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Misc
- Tools
- Tests
- Versioning
- aptise/lura-resty_peter_sslers
- OpenResty
- Pyramid