This is a code example for the an end-to-end project example for my Data Science for Crime Analysis with Python book. It shows creating data manipulation functions, as well as an automated CompStat report that updates with the newest data available.
The components are:
, functions to download and prepare Cary crime data including, monthly counts, YTD metrics, and apartment complex stats/src/
, functions to create tables and graphs in the automated reportCaryReport.ipynb
, jupyter notebook that is automated to calculate updated metrics
Contact: Andrew Wheeler
To create the report from the command line, you can run:
jupyter nbconvert --execute --no-input --allow-chromium-download --to webpdf CaryReport.ipynb
To create the python environment to run this code, I use conda:
conda create --name pybook python=3.10 pip
conda activate pybook
pip install -r requirements.txt