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2. User Guide

galaxygift edited this page Dec 4, 2022 · 2 revisions

Getting Started

First of all you have to download the publish folder of projects it contains two subfolder one for admin project and another for main project which we call it shop. After the published folder of project have been downloaded it should be set to the host or be run locally on local computer. If you have a host for publish this application first you have to create a virtual directory which called admin, for example if you have a domain like then you have to create virtual directory which will be accessed through: .

Shop project will be published on and admin project will be on

When admin site is run for the first time, installation page will appear which gets the application requirements needed for running the project as follow:

  1. Information of user who is System Account (only one user is system account who has full access an highest role in the application)
  2. Domain Information which this project is running on an with be our default domain.
  3. SMTP Account information of domain which is the sender of all site emails to users.
  4. Two existent path and two file name for storing log information of Shop and Admin projects.
  5. The SMS line configuration information of site which all SMS of site can send via that line.
  6. Connection string where mongo DB database exist or be planned to create.
  7. An existent Folder path where all images and file will be created (local static file storage path).
  8. Specify whether user supposed to see sample designed home page as an example or not.

If user agree to have homepage sample then some extra data will be inserted into database and can see designed home page as an example.

Database: AradPortalCMS use mongo db as its database storage, so for using this CMS application you need to install mongoDb server on your host server or local computer which this application will use it.

Admin Management

Admin project is a place for CRUD entities of database which are content of site, configure setting of the site and creating dynamic pages.

LoginPage: you must have a user account which has been created inside admin part or is a SystemAccount account between all users, if you have this account you can pass login page and enter the administration part

Admin Menus: menus of admin will be built based of role permissions of logged user, if userRole don’t have permission to access a menu then it wont appear in menu list.

Only menus which user Role has permission of it will appear in admin menu bar.

For System Account user who has full access to all menus of admin this has four main sections as described lator

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