It's a simple to use library that allows you to intercept keystrokes or shortcuts in the system.
- Intercept specified keys and shortcuts or intercept every keystroke
- Possibility to "eat" pressed key
- Works on any Windows application platforms (WPF/WinForms/Console)
Add the following string to the .csproj file:
<PackageReference Include="GlobalKeyInterceptor" Version="1.2.1" />
Add namespace
using GlobalKeyInterceptor;
var interceptor = new KeyInterceptor();
interceptor.ShortcutPressed += (_, e) =>
Shortcut[] shortcuts =
// You can specify a key, up to 4 modifiers, key state and a name
new Shortcut(Key.R, state: KeyState.Down, name: "R (key is down)"),
new Shortcut(Key.Alt, KeyModifier.Ctrl, name: "Modifier + Modifier as a simple key"),
new Shortcut(Key.D, KeyModifier.Ctrl | KeyModifier.Shift | KeyModifier.Alt | KeyModifier.Win,
name: "Every modifier + D"),
var interceptor = new KeyInterceptor(shortcuts);
interceptor.ShortcutPressed += (_, e) =>
// Specify a name of the shortcut to easy check if it pressed
switch (e.Shortcut.Name)
case "R (key is down)":
// Set e.IsHandled to true if you want to "eat" the pressed key
e.IsHandled = true;
// some logic
case "Modifier + Modifier as a simple key":
// some logic 2
case "Every modifier + D":
// some logic 3
To allow the console application to intercept keystrokes, you need to add a message loop at the end of the Main()
Full example you can find here