Validation of format is right for given datetime,date or time string variable.
Acronym: [Date-Validator].
Name: Date-Validator.
Dependencies: Stand Alone / PHP v7.4.
is a very simple PHP [Date-Validator] implementation that allows you to easily validate if the PHP variable passed is a string with valid datetime, date, time format.
Developers need the ability to validate if variable meaning a datetime, date or time have a right format, this helps to validate some format dependencies that must have a datetime, date or time string.
if you want to collaborate with the development of the library; You can express your ideas or report any situation related to this in:
None necessary.
composer require arcanisgk/date-validator
use IcarosNet\DateValidator\DateValidator;
require __DIR__.'\..\vendor\autoload.php';
$date_validator = new DateValidator();
if ($date_validator->ValidateDate('10/10/1999 20:40')) {
echo 'Correct date string';
if ($date_validator->ValidateDate('XXX10/10/1999 20:40')) {
echo 'incorrect date string';
if($date_validator->addFormat('d--m--Y H%i')->ValidateDate('09--09--2010 20%40')){
echo 'Correct new date format string using % separator';
if ($date_validator->ValidateCustomFormatAndDate('09--09--2010','d--m--Y')) {
echo 'Correct date string';
- (c) 2020 - 2022 Walter Francisco Núñez Cruz