Exposes Wagmi sdk to your Flutter web project.
Wagmi provides developers with intuitive building blocks to build their Ethereum apps.
In pubspec.yaml
file, add the wagmi_flutter_web
dependency :
import 'package:wagmi_flutter_web/wagmi.dart' as wagmi;
// Load and initialize Wagmi lib.
await wagmi.init();
// Initializes Web3Modal
[wagmi.Chain.ethereum.name!, wagmi.Chain.sepolia.name!],
name: 'Web3Modal',
description: 'Web3Modal Example',
url: 'https://web3modal.com',
icons: ['https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37784886'],
false // email
[], // social networks
true, // showWallets
true, // walletFeatures
// Opens the Wallet connection modal.
Errors from wagmi can be handled using the WagmiError
Wagmi provides an error stack through the cause
The findError
method with the error type allows checking if a specific error is in the error stack.
The different exceptions are available in the WagmiErrors
try {
final transactionHash = await wagmi.Core.writeContract(
} on wagmi.WagmiError catch (e, stackTrace) {
if (e.findError(wagmi.WagmiErrors.UserRejectedRequestError) != null) {
throw Exception('userRejected');
if (e.findError(wagmi.WagmiErrors.InsufficientFundsError) != null) {
throw Exception('insufficientFunds');
throw Exception('${e.shortMessage}');
🔴 Not Implemented Yet.
🟠 Work In Progress.
✅ Implemented.
🛠️ Blocking WASM Support. (Needs rework in future.)
📄 TODO to be managed
For more details, refer to the API documentation.
Action Name | Status |
call |
✅ Implemented |
connect |
🔴 |
deployContract |
🔴 |
disconnect |
✅ Implemented |
estimateFeesPerGas |
✅ Implemented |
estimateGas |
✅ Implemented |
estimateMaxPriorityFeePerGas |
✅ Implemented |
getAccount |
✅ Implemented |
getBalance |
✅ Implemented |
getBlock |
✅ Implemented |
getBlockNumber |
✅ Implemented |
getBlockTransactionCount |
✅ Implemented |
getBytecode |
✅ Implemented |
getChainId |
✅ Implemented |
getChains |
✅ Implemented |
getClient |
🔴 |
getConnections |
✅ Implemented |
getConnectorClient |
🔴 |
getConnectors |
🔴 |
getEnsAddress |
🔴 |
getEnsAvatar |
🔴 |
getEnsName |
🔴 |
getEnsResolver |
🔴 |
getEnsText |
🔴 |
getFeeHistory |
✅ Implemented |
getGasPrice |
✅ Implemented |
getProof |
🔴 |
getPublicClient |
🔴 |
getStorageAt |
🔴 |
getToken |
✅ Implemented |
getTransaction |
✅ Implemented |
getTransactionConfirmations |
✅ Implemented |
getTransactionCount |
✅ Implemented |
getTransactionReceipt |
✅ Implemented |
getWalletClient |
🔴 |
multicall |
🔴 |
prepareTransactionRequest |
🔴 |
readContract |
✅ Implemented |
readContracts |
✅ Implemented 🛠️ |
reconnect |
✅ Implemented |
sendTransaction |
✅ Implemented |
signMessage |
✅ Implemented |
signTypedData |
🔴 |
simulateContract |
🔴 |
switchAccount |
✅ Implemented |
switchChain |
✅ Implemented |
verifyMessage |
✅ Implemented |
verifyTypedData |
🔴 |
waitForTransactionReceipt |
✅ Implemented |
watchAccount |
✅ Implemented |
watchAsset |
✅ Implemented |
watchBlockNumber |
🔴 |
watchBlocks |
🔴 |
watchChainId |
✅ Implemented |
watchClient |
🔴 |
watchConnections |
✅ Implemented |
watchConnectors |
🔴 |
watchContractEvent |
✅ Implemented |
watchPendingTransactions |
🔴 |
watchPublicClient |
🔴 |
writeContract |
✅ Implemented |
You will need the following tools :
- Flutter >= 3.22.3
- nodejs >= 18
Following commands will build JS
code to embed in the web browser.
npm install
npm run build // build production lib
npm run dev // build & watch in dev mode
Then, you can run Flutter project as usual.
$ npm test
When using VSCode, to enable debugging, create your terminal using the command
Debug: JavaScript Debug Terminal
$ dart test -p chrome
# Or with debug
$ dart test -p chrome --pause-after-load