Originally a part of an assignment for the computer graphics module on my games development course. after finishing the assignment, this project closely resembled the start of a game engine. Suppose i got lucky as i was planning on making a game engine as my final year project. this was a good starting point.
here you with find an executable, use this to create a new StrangeEngine project wverever you like. once a new project is created, it should be linked to StrangeEngine already the engine should be reasy-to-use NOTE: if the engine doesnt work out of the box after creating a new project, you need to clone this repo into a specific location or it wont work. (see installation instructions below)
this is the engine itself. it is named Mark 2 because while i was converting the engine to a .dll format that multiple projects could use, i had 2 concurrent versions of the engine i was working on. Mark 1 was a .exe file where each game needed to be hardcoded into scene.cpp and there was significantly less flexibility (Mark 1 was also my assignment submission for anyone interested) Mark 2 is the latest and greatest version of the engine, still a work in progress, but miles more flexible than previous versions
this is a project that is directly linked to the engine, Think of it as a Technical Demo. For anyone who is modifying the engine, i suggest doing all your tests in this project as this and the engine are in the same solution so it is very easy to work on both
When you clone/download this repository, all the contents of the repository must be stored in the followign directory:
if you do not store this repository in the correct location, it will not work
i realise this may not be very friendly, but i am very new to .dll projects and linker issues, to be honest, it's a miracle i got even this working
Output Directory:
Include Directories:
Library Directories:
Additional Dependencies (Debug): d3d11.lib;d3dx11.lib;D3DCompiler.lib;dxerr.lib;dxgi.lib;dxguid.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
Additional Dependencies (Release): d3d11.lib;d3dx11d.lib;D3DCompiler.lib;dxerr.lib;dxgi.lib;dxguid.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
Output Directory: $(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)\
Intermediate Directory: $(Configuration)\
Include Directories:
Library Directories:
Additional Library Directories: C:\StrangeEngine\StrangeEngineMK3\$(IntDir);%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)
Additional Dependencies (Debug): StrangeEngineMK3.lib;d3d11.lib;d3dx11d.lib;D3DCompiler.lib;dxerr.lib;dxgi.lib;dxguid.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
Additional Dependencies (Release): StrangeEngineMK3.lib;d3d11.lib;d3dx11.lib;D3DCompiler.lib;dxerr.lib;dxgi.lib;dxguid.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
Command line; xcopy /y /d "C:\StrangeEngine\StrangeEngineMK3\$(IntDir)StrangeEngineMK3.dll" "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)"