This project does not promote or encourage any illegal activities. All contents provided are meant for educational purpose only.
Download Twitch Lurker from here
Twitch Lurker is a bot that joins to chat room of the Twitch channels you follow.
It acts as a chatter and sends messages to as many channels as you wish at the same time without you needing to open up Twitch.
It also lets you benefit from subscription gifts as long as you leave it on.
From here, you can generate a Twitch token to use in Twitch Lurker. Give permission to everything while generating your token and inject it to Twitch Lurker when prompted.
From here (file name on your local repo would be CriteriaControl.cs), you can edit viewer count and which files to use for criteria control.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is not suggested that you change the default values in CriteriaControl.cs but we all make mistakes in the heat of passion.
-Bot sends text messages to channels only if the channel has more than 2000 viewers.
In order to change that, you can change the value of if (channel.Stream.Viewers > 2000) to any value you want it to be.
public static async Task<bool> DoesStreamHaveMoreThan2000Viewers(TwitchAPI api, string channelID)
var channel = await api.V5.Streams.GetStreamByUserAsync(channelID);
if (channel != null)
if (channel.Stream != null) {
if (channel.Stream.Viewers > 2000)
return true;
-Bot has default blacklisted channels. You can delete the current ones or add more channels.
In order to add more channels:
- Go to Windows search and type in %appdata%.
- From there, go to Chastoca>LurkerV2>Config>BlacklistedChannels and type in the channel name you want to blacklist.
-Bot only sends emotes as messages and has some default emotes. You can delete the default ones or add more to them.
In order to edit emotes:
- Go to Windows search and type in %appdata%.
- From there, go to Chastoca>LurkerV2>Config>Emotes and edit emotes in the text file as you please. Note that, every line is a message.
-You can change your connection credentials if you wish to change the account connected to bot.
In order to change connection credentials:
- Go to Windows search and type in %appdata%.
- From there, go to Chastoca>LurkerV2>Config>ConnectionCredentials and change login details.
-Bot has an option to lurk only the specified channels. If you wish to use that option:
- First, check Targeted checkbox in TwitchLurkerV2 app.
- After that, go to Windows search and type in %appdata%. From there, go to Chastoca>LurkerV2>Config>TargetChannels and type in the channel name you want to lurk. (Case sensitive.)
- After, you restart the app, the bot will only lurk on the specified channels.
First, go to Windows search and type in %appdata%, then navigate to Chastoca>LurkerV2. From here:
- You can check crash reports from CrashReports.
- You can check Whispers from Whispers.
- You can see if anyone mentioned you in the chat from Mentions. In mentions you have two files:
- From ChatLogs, you can see the channel name, link ID, person who sent the message and the message itself.
- From StreamIDs, you can see when the message was sent and link of the clip from the time message was sent.