Twill 2.8.0
Twill 2.8.0 is a non-breaking release bringing a lot of cool new features, fixes, and improvements.
Run composer update
in your project and then, run Twill's own update command: php artisan twill:update
. This will force update your published Twill assets. You can delete the old ones from your repository if you are versioning them. If you are using custom Vue components, you should rebuild Twill assets using php artisan twill:build
- Laravel 9 support
- Added option to disable repeater sorting
- Added support for connectedBrowserField when using browsers
- Allows media fields to use wysiwyg
- Twill composer packages
- Url field type
- Browsers are now supported by connected fields
- Added Twill block classes to support block render data, validation and more
- Repeaters and blocks are now updated instead of recreated
- Improved translatable fields validations
- Improved language label display
- Fixed regression in translatable settings
- Fixed capsule database path
- Fixed activity log morph size
- Changed activity log morph size to bigInt
- Fixed leftover array accessor on capsule object
- Fixed small visual issue with long labels
- Fixed MorphMany saving
- Reverted change that throws exception when crops are missing
- Fixed issue that would cause undefined index when using octane
- Fixed bug in singleton generator when using plural name
- Fixed regression for resources in capsules and packages
- Fixed Glide url without scheme
- Fixed regression with repeaters in updated block system
- Fixes visual issue when using limitHeight on a wysiwyg field
- When refreshing crops, block crops are now included
- Update Refresh Crops command to take in consideration the MorphMap
- Get image size from uploaded file instead of stored file
- Fix unauthenticated user 500 error when using custom error handler
- Fix exception for missing repository in related browser
- Do not show changed dialog when content is identical
- Improved performance when many fields/languages are used
- Added more guides
- Small improvement to the install documentations
- Improved custom page documentation
- Improved config documentation
- Added documentation on how to use custom icons
New Contributors
- @AndreSchwarzer made their first contribution in #1538
- @marcbelletre made their first contribution in #1460
- @cambad made their first contribution in #1569
- @happytodev made their first contribution in #1595
- @Ser1ous made their first contribution in #1592
Returning contributors
- @ifox
- @haringsrob
- @domihagen
- @daun
- @raymondtri
- @pboivin
- @sauron
- @freshleafmedia
- @joyceverheije
- @m4n1ok
Full Changelog: 2.7.0...2.8.0