👋 Hi, I’m Lakdar Arfento, I'm a software developer who has programming skills and interested in mobile application development, especially Android using Flutter framework.
🔭 I’m currently working as Flutter Developer
🌱 I’m currently learning Flutter
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SpotifyClone-Kotlin Publicspotify clone with kotlin. Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV1152xCBzA&list=PLQkwcJG4YTCT-lTlkOmE-PpRkuyNXq6sW&ab_channel=PhilippLackner
Chats-Kotlin PublicChat app based on the MVVM architecture using Kotlin, ViewModel, LiveData, DataBinding and more. clone : https://github.com/dgewe/Chat-App-Android
MoviesApp-kotlin PublicMovie app based on the MVVM architecture using Kotlin, ViewModel, LiveData, DataBinding and more.
Kotlin 1
Alquran-kotlin Publicapp Alquran dengan Kotlin Menggunakan FAN (Fast Android Networking) sebagai Rest API Sumber API https://github.com/bachors/Al-Quran-ID-API dan juga menampilkan menu jadwal sholat dan masjid terdekat
Kotlin 1
39 contributions in the last year
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