Reference to the paper titled, "Bayesian Modeling with Spatial Curvature Processes". Journal of the American Statistical Association (2023) (
Illustration of curvilinear Bayesian Wombling on spatial data.
Code for performing curvilinear Bayesian wombling on data
- Load the data and separate (a) co-ordinates (b) response (c) covariates
- Fit a spatial Bayesian hierarchical model to the data
- Perform gradient, curvature and posterior surface analysis
- Locate or Annotate curves of interest
- Perform rectilinear wombling at line segments
Demonstration with synthetic data.
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
# loading additional packages
N <- 100
tau <- 1
# synthetic location
coords <- matrix(runif(2*N),nr=N,nc=2)
# synthetic pattern
y <- rnorm(N,10*(sin(3*pi*coords[,1])+cos(3*pi*coords[,2])),tau)
# y <- rnorm(N,10*(sin(3*pi*coords[,1])*cos(3*pi*coords[,2])),tau)
y=y # response
X=matrix(1,nr=N) # intercept
niter <- 1e4
nburn <- niter/2
report <- 1e2
mc_sp <- hlmBayes_sp(coords = coords,
y = y,
X = X,
niter = niter,
nburn = nburn,
report = report,
cov.type = "matern2",
steps_init = 1,
verbose = T)
# inference from model
model_summary <- hlm_summary(chain = mc_sp,
nburn = nburn,
niter = niter,
thin = 1)
coef <- model_summary$; round(coef,4)
z <- model_summary$summary.latent
grid.points <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0,1,by=0.05)[-c(1,21)],
samples <- (nburn+1):niter
gradient_est <- spatial_gradient(coords=coords,
grid.points = grid.points,
samples = samples,
chain = mc_sp,
cov.type = "matern2",
niter = niter,
nburn = nburn,
nbatch = 100,
return.mcmc = T)
# Gradient and Curvature Assessment
grad.s1.hpd <- data.frame(gradient_est$grad1.est)
grad.s1.hpd$signif <- apply(grad.s1.hpd,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
grad.s2.hpd <- data.frame(gradient_est$grad2.est)
grad.s2.hpd$signif <- apply(grad.s2.hpd,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
grad.s11.hpd <- data.frame(gradient_est$grad11.est)
grad.s11.hpd$signif <- apply(grad.s11.hpd,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
grad.s12.hpd <- data.frame(gradient_est$grad12.est)
grad.s12.hpd$signif <- apply(grad.s12.hpd,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
grad.s22.hpd <- data.frame(gradient_est$grad22.est)
grad.s22.hpd$signif <- apply(grad.s22.hpd,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
# Posterior Surface Analysis
det_est <- eigen_est_1 <- eigen_est_2 <- laplace_est <- div_est <- matrix(NA,nr=niter,nc=nrow(grid.points))
for(i in 1:nburn){
for(j in 1:nrow(grid.points)){
hess.mat <- matrix(c(gradient_est$grad.s11.mcmc[i,j],
gradient_est$grad.s22.mcmc[i,j]),nr=2,nc=2,byrow = T)
det_est[i,j] <- det(hess.mat)
eigen.hess.mat <- eigen(hess.mat)$values
eigen_est_1[i,j] <- eigen.hess.mat[1]; eigen_est_2[i,j] <- eigen.hess.mat[2]
laplace_est[i,j] <- sum(diag(hess.mat))
div_est[i,j] <- gradient_est$grad.s1.mcmc[i,j]+gradient_est$grad.s2.mcmc[i,j]
slist <- split(1:nburn, ceiling(seq_along(1:nburn)/(length(1:nburn)/100)))
# Determinant Surface
det_est_val <-,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(det_est[x,],2,median))),2,median),
HPDinterval(as.mcmc(,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(det_est[x,],2,median))))))
det_est_val$sig <- apply(det_est_val,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
# Eigen Value Surface
eigen_est_val1 <-,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(eigen_est_1[x,],2,median))),2,median),
HPDinterval(as.mcmc(,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(eigen_est_1[x,],2,median))))))
eigen_est_val1$sig <- apply(eigen_est_val1,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
eigen_est_val2 <-,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(eigen_est_2[x,],2,median))),2,median),
HPDinterval(as.mcmc(,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(eigen_est_2[x,],2,median))))))
eigen_est_val2$sig <- apply(eigen_est_val2,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
# Laplace Operator Surface
laplace_est_val <-,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(laplace_est[x,],2,median))),2,median),
HPDinterval(as.mcmc(,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(laplace_est[x,],2,median))))))
laplace_est_val$sig <- apply(laplace_est_val,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
# Divergence Operator
div_est_val <-,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(div_est[x,],2,median))),2,median),
HPDinterval(as.mcmc(,lapply(slist, function(x) apply(div_est[x,],2,median))))))
div_est_val$sig <- apply(div_est_val,1,function(x){
if(x[2]>0 & x[3]>0) return (1)
if(x[2]<0 & x[3]<0) return (-1)
else return(0)
# locate curves:: level sets/contours
mat <- matrix(c(1:2), nr=1,nc=2, byrow=T)
widths = c(5,2),
heights = c(3,3))
rastr.obj <- sp_plot(11,"Spectral",cbind(coords,y), contour.plot = T, = T, legend = F)
x <- raster::rasterToContour(rastr.obj,nlevels=20)
# Test for wombling
x.levels <- as.numeric(as.character(x$level))
level.choice <- c(x.levels[2],x.levels[length(x.levels)-1])
subset.points.1 <- subset(x,level==level.choice[1])
subset.points.2 <- subset(x,level==level.choice[2])
x <- raster::rasterToContour(rastr.obj,nlevels=10)
subset.points.3 <- subset(x,level==15)
# curve-1
# curve-2
# curve 3
# locate curves:: annotate curves
pts.hull <- locator(20)
subset.points.4 <- bezierCurve(pts.hull$x,pts.hull$y,100)
# curve 4
lines(subset.points.4, type="l",lwd=2.5)
points(pts.hull, cex=0.5, col="white")
points(pts.hull, pch="+", cex=0.5)
legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"Spectral"))(100), ncol=1))
plot(c(0,3),c(0,1),type = 'n', axes = F,xlab = '', ylab = '', main = '')
text(x=2, y = seq(0.01,0.99,l=6), labels = sprintf("%.2f",round(seq(min(y),max(y),l=6),2)))
rasterImage(legend_image, 0, 0, 1,1)
curve <- subset.points.1@lines[[1]]@Lines[[1]]@coords
womb.measure <- bayes_cwomb(coords = coords,
chain = mc_sp,
cov.type = "matern2",
niter = niter,
nburn = nburn,
nbatch = 100,
curve = curve,
type = "rectilinear")
Name | ||
Aritra Halder (maintainer) | | Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Drexel University |
Sudipto Banerjee | | Professor and Chair, Department of Biostatistics, UCLA |
Dipak K. Dey | | Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Department of Statistics, UCONN |