Bad approach
const STUDENT_OF_SCIENCE_CLUB = new Array(100000).fill('abc');
const STUDENT_OF_SPORTS_CLUB = new Array(100000).fill('cdf');
const {performance} = require('perf_hooks');
function hasCommonStudentInBothClub(studentsOfScienceClub, studentsOfSportClub) {
for (let i = 0; i < studentsOfScienceClub.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < studentsOfSportClub.length; j++) {
if (studentsOfScienceClub[i] == studentsOfSportClub[j]) {
return true;
return false;
let t0 =;
let hasCommonStudent = hasCommonStudentInBothClub(STUDENT_OF_SCIENCE_CLUB, STUDENT_OF_SPORTS_CLUB);
let t1 =;
let a = t1 - t0;
console.log("Time spends " + a + ' milliseconds');
Here we are working with a nested loop. We have two arrays every array has 100000 data.
The second loop is running 100000 times for every element of the first loop. We are making a ton of cycles of a loop. The cycle will increase by 100000 if we add an extra element in the first array.
The time complexity of this code is O(N^2). Just for understanding how O(N^2)?
O(array1 x array2) = O(a x b) = O (N^2)
The calculated time complexity of this conde is 37488.77419500053 milliseconds
But the space complexity of the code is better than others. Here space complexity is O(1). Because we are not taking any extra variable of anything than can take space in memory.
Good approach
const STUDENT_OF_SCIENCE_CLUB = new Array(100000).fill('abc');
const STUDENT_OF_SPORTS_CLUB = new Array(100000).fill('cdf');
const {performance} = require('perf_hooks');
function convertArrayToObject(studentsOfScienceClub) {
let mapOfScienceStudents = {};
for (let i = 0; i < studentsOfScienceClub.length; i++) {
if (!mapOfScienceStudents[studentsOfScienceClub[i]]) {
const student = studentsOfScienceClub[i];
mapOfScienceStudents[student] = true;
return mapOfScienceStudents;
function hasCommonStudentInBothClub(studentsOfScienceClub, studentsOfSportClub) {
let mapOfScienceStudents = convertArrayToObject(studentsOfScienceClub);
for (let i = 0; i < studentsOfSportClub.length; i++) {
if (mapOfScienceStudents[studentsOfSportClub[i]]) {
return true;
return false;
let t0 =;
let hasCommonStudent = hasCommonStudentInBothClub(STUDENT_OF_SCIENCE_CLUB, STUDENT_OF_SPORTS_CLUB);
let t1 =;
let a = t1 - t0;
console.log("Time spends " + a + ' milliseconds');
Here we avoided the nested loop. We converted the studentsOfScienceClub array into an object (It is called a hash table in another programming language). And mapped the array data by setting the studentsOfScienceClub elements as key and value is true.
Then from the 2nd loop, we have checked the key of a mapped object with the 2nd array.
Here time complexity is O(a+b)
The calculated time complexity of this conde is 5.414189994335175 milliseconds
But the space complexity of the code is better than others. Here space complexity is O(a). Because we are taking extra variable that take space in memory.
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