First GitHub action allows you to run Molecule using ansible collection structure.
In addition, this GH action supports GIT status after Molecule execution to help to track unexpected file changes. This check can be enforced and generate a failure if a change is detected.
description: Relative path where your molecule folder is.
required: no
description: |
Supported options:
--debug / --no-debug Enable or disable debug mode. Default is disabled.
-c, --base-config TEXT Path to a base config. If provided Molecule will
load this config first, and deep merge each
scenario's molecule.yml on top.
-e, --env-file TEXT The file to read variables from when rendering
molecule.yml. (.env.yml)
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
required: false
description: |
Supported commands:
check Use the provisioner to perform a Dry-Run...
cleanup Use the provisioner to cleanup any changes...
converge Use the provisioner to configure instances...
create Use the provisioner to start the instances.
dependency Manage the role's dependencies.
destroy Use the provisioner to destroy the instances.
idempotence Use the provisioner to configure the...
init Initialize a new role or scenario.
lint Lint the role.
list Lists status of instances.
login Log in to one instance.
matrix List matrix of steps used to test instances.
prepare Use the provisioner to prepare the instances...
side-effect Use the provisioner to perform side-effects...
syntax Use the provisioner to syntax check the role.
test Test (lint, cleanup, destroy, dependency,...
verify Run automated tests against instances.
required: true
default: 'test'
description: |
Supported arguments:
--scenario-name foo Targeting a specific scenario.
--driver-name foo Targeting a specific driver.
--all Target all scenarios.
--destroy=always Always destroy instances at the conclusion of a Molecule run.
required: false
description: |
Relative path from `${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}` to install
any requirements prior to run molecule
required: false
description: |
Ansible package to install
Support pip syntax to target specific version
required: false
default: 'ansible'
description: |
Relative path from `${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}` to install
any requirements from Ansible Galaxy prior to run molecule
required: false
default: ''
description: |
Check git status after molecule execution.
Help to track unexpected changes between 2 commits.
required: false
description: |
If set to to true, then exit code is based on git status.
required: false
To use the action simply create an main.yml (or choose custom *.yml name) in the .github/workflows/ directory. Basic example:
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Run molecule action
uses: arista-netdevops-community/action-molecule-avd@v1.0
molecule_parentdir: 'ansible_collections/arista/cvp'
molecule_command: 'test'
molecule_args: '--all'
ansible: ansible>=2.10
pip_file: 'requirements.txt'
check_git: true
check_git_enforced: false
To test action execution locally, configure variables in a file:
# cat test.env
Then run docker container:
docker run --rm -it \
-v ${PWD}:/root/ \ # Local content shared with container
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ # Docker process required by molecule
--env-file dev.env \ # File with your variables