This is a hackathon project initialized by Edward (Github: EdwardHaoranLee), Jasmine (Github: JasmineSun33), Lotus (Github: peiyulotusxie), and Richard (Github: dis0hope).
This project, Git it Right, is started as the group project of Hack the North 2020, hosted by University of Waterloo and sponsered by RBC. Within 36 hours, we designed and implemented a movement-recognization mobile app to encourage people exercise especially during this pandemic. The app allows people to monitor and correct their movement when doing simple exercise, such as push-up or squat, by comparing their movement with the preset motion data.
Git it Right is developed using React-Native framework, and the PoseNet library within TensorFlow.js library was used to analyze user's motion, build skeleton, and compare with preset data. This app is verified to work on both iOS and Android.
For more information, please refer to our hackathon project page or click the image below to see a pre-recorded video demo.