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bimap v1.2

This package provides the ability to draw bi-variate maps in Stata. It is based on the Bi-variate maps Guide that I released in December 2021.


The package can be installed via SSC or GitHub. The GitHub version, might be more recent due to bug fixes, feature updates etc, and may contain syntax improvements and changes in default values. See version numbers below. Eventually the GitHub version is published on SSC.

The package can be installed from SSC (v1.0):

ssc install bimap, replace

Or it can be installed from GitHub (v1.2):

net install bimap, from("") replace

The spmap and palettes package is required to run this command:

ssc install spmap, replace
ssc install palettes, replace
ssc install colrspace, replace

Even if you have these packages installed, please check for updates: ado update, update.

If you want to make a clean figure, then it is advisable to load a clean scheme. These are several available and I personally use the following:

ssc install schemepack, replace
set scheme white_tableau  

You can also push the scheme directly into the graph using the scheme(schemename) option. See the help file for details or the example below.

I also prefer narrow fonts in figures with long labels. You can change this as follows:

graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"

This command is a wrapper for spmap and assumes that you have shapefiles in Stata and are comfortable with making maps.


The syntax for v1.2 is as follows:

bimap vary varx [if] [in], cut(option) palette(option) 
		[ count values ocolor(str) osize(str) ndocolor(str) ndsize(str) ndocolor(str)
		polygon(str) line(str) point(str) label(str) 
		textx(string) texty(str) TEXTLABSize(num) TEXTSize(num) BOXsize(num) xscale(num) yscale(num) 
		title(str) subtitle(str) note(str) name(srt) scheme(str) ]

See the help file help bimap for details.

The most basic use is as follows:

bimap vary varx using *shapefile*, cut(option) palette(option)

where vary and varx are the variables we want to plot. The cut option takes on one argument which is either pctile or equal for percentile and equal cut offs respectively. The palette option takes on one argument which are pinkgreen, bluered, greenblue, or purpleyellow. These are frequently-used bi-variate palettes baked into the command.


Download the files from GIS and dump them in a folder.

Set up the data:

set scheme white_tableau
graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"

// set the directory to the GIS folder 
// cd <path>

use usa_county, clear
	destring _all, replace

merge 1:1 STATEFP COUNTYFP using county_race
keep if _m==3
drop _m		

	drop if inlist(STATEFP,2,15,60,66,69,72,78)
	geo2xy _CY _CX, proj(albers) replace

// save file for using as labels
save usa_county2.dta, replace   

Test whether the spmap is working properly:

spmap share_afam using usa_county_shp_clean, id(_ID) clm(custom) clb(0(10)100) fcolor(Heat)

spmap share_hisp using usa_county_shp_clean, id(_ID) clm(custom) clb(0(10)100) fcolor(Heat)

Let's test the bimap command:

bimap share_hisp share_afam using usa_county_shp_clean, cut(pctile) palette(pinkgreen) 	

bimap share_hisp share_afam using usa_county_shp_clean, cut(pctile) palette(pinkgreen) count values

bimap share_hisp share_afam using usa_county_shp_clean, cut(equal) palette(pinkgreen) count values

bimap share_hisp share_afam using usa_county_shp_clean, cut(pctile) palette(purpleyellow) ///
	title("My first bivariate map") subtitle("Made with Stata") note("Data from US Census")

bimap share_asian share_afam using usa_county_shp_clean, cut(pctile) palette(bluered)  ///
	title("{fontface Arial Bold:My first bivariate map}") subtitle("Made with Stata") note("Data from the US Census Bureau.") ///	
	textx("Share of African Americans") texty("Share of Asians") texts(3.5) textlabs(3) values count ///
	ocolor() osize(none) ///
	polygon(data("usa_state_shp_clean") ocolor(white) osize(0.3))

bimap share_asian share_afam using usa_county_shp_clean, cut(pctile) palette(yellowblue)  ///
	title("{fontface Arial Bold:My first bivariate map}") subtitle("Made with Stata") note("Data from the US Census Bureau.") ///	
		 textx("Share of African Americans") texty("Share of Asians") texts(3.5) textlabs(3) values count ///
		 ocolor() osize(none) ///
		 polygon(data("usa_state_shp_clean") ocolor(black) osize(0.2)) 

bimap share_asian share_hisp  using usa_county_shp_clean, cut(pctile) palette(orangeblue)  ///
	title("{fontface Arial Bold:My first bivariate map}") subtitle("Made with Stata") note("Data from the US Census Bureau.") ///	
		 textx("Share of Hispanics") texty("Share of Asians") texts(3.5) textlabs(3) values count ///
		 ocolor() osize(none) ///
		 polygon(data("usa_state_shp_clean") ocolor(black) osize(0.2)) 

Adding other layers to the bimap

Since bimap is a wrapper of spmap, we can pass information for other layers as well including dots. Below we use the file we saved in the first step to plot the population of counties:

bimap share_hisp share_afam using usa_county_shp_clean, cut(pctile) palette(pinkgreen)  ///
	title("{fontface Arial Bold:My first bivariate map}") subtitle("Made with Stata") ///
	note("Data from the US Census Bureau. Counties with population > 100k plotted as proportional dots.", size(1.8)) ///	
		 textx("Share of African Americans") texty("Share of Hispanics") texts(3.5) textlabs(3) values count ///
		 ocolor() osize(none) ///
		 polygon(data("usa_state_shp_clean") ocolor(white) osize(0.3)) ///
		 point(data("usa_county2") x(_CX) y(_CY) select(keep if tot_pop>100000) proportional(tot_pop) psize(absolute) fcolor(lime%85) ocolor(black) osize(0.12) size(0.9) )  


Please open an issue to report errors, feature enhancements, and/or other requests.


v1.2 (29 Apr 2022)

  • Fixed a bug in cut-off groupings (thanks to Ruth Watkinson).
  • Error in how cut-off values are collected is fixed.
  • Two palettes added yellowblue, orangeblue. If you have more palette suggestions, then please let me know!
  • Several spmap additional layer commands added as passthru options (thanks to Pierre-Henri Bono).
  • Count of each category added as an option.
  • Several bug fixes and error checks added.

v1.1 (14 Apr 2022)

  • Errors in ado file corrected.
  • Help file was missing a couple of options.

v1.0 (08 Apr 2022)

  • Public release.


A Stata command for bi-variate maps







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