This project is a library that implements SECS-II/HSMS in Go.
- SML(supports various formats, single-quoted stream-function, optional message name, single/double-quoted ASCII item,....etc.)
- Comprehensive Data Item Support: Provides a wide range of data structures to represent various SECS-II data item types, including integers, floating-point numbers, booleans, lists, and ASCII strings.
- Message Formatting: Handles the formatting of SECS-II messages, including the header and data item encoding.
- Serialization: Serializes HSMS messages into their byte representation for transmission using the
method. - SML Generation: Generates SML (SECS Message Language) representations of SECS-II messages using the
method. Supports various SML formats, including single or double quotes, and handles non-printable ASCII characters.
- Message Createion: Establishes HSMS control and data message.
- Message Decoding: Decodes HSMS control and data messages.
- Session Management: Defines a generic interface for HSMS session.
- Connection State Management: Tracks the connection state and handles state transitions.
- Simplified Interface: Provides a streamlined interface specifically for HSMS-SS (Single Session) communication.
- Connection Management: Establishes and manages HSMS connections, supporting both active and passive modes.
- Message Exchange: Sends and receives HSMS messages, including data messages and control messages.
- Session Management: Handles communication sessions, including session establishment and termination.
- Data Message Handling: Supports registering handlers for processing received data messages.
- Error Handling: Provides robust error handling and reporting mechanisms.
- Concurrent Operations: Utilizes goroutines and channels for efficient concurrent message sending and receiving.
- Customization: Offers configurable options for various HSMS parameters, such as timeouts, linktest behavior, and connection settings.
- Parsing: Parses SML strings into HSMS data messages.
- Quoting and Escaping: Supports various SML formats, including different quoting styles for stream and function codes and handling of non-printable ASCII characters and escape sequences.
- Strict Mode: Offers a strict parsing mode that adheres to the ASCII standard and handles escape characters literally.
Refer to the SML document for details.
- secs2 - provides data structures and functions for working with SECS-II messages
- gem - provides functions for creating GEM messages, offers a convenient way to generate SECS-II messages for various GEM message types.
- hsms - provides functions and interfaces for establishing/decoding HSMS control and data message and defining generic interface for HSMS session.
- hsmsss - provides an implementation of HSMS-SS (HSMS Single Session) for communication according to the SEMI E37 standard.
- logger - provides a standardized way for different logging frameworks to be integrated into go-secs.
The go-secs
library provides a structured object representation of HSMS/SECS-II messages and data items using interfaces and concrete types.
Interface: This interface defines the core components of a SECS-II message, including the stream code, function code, wait bit (W-bit), and the SECS-II data item. Thegem
package provides functions for generating GEM (Generic Equipment Model) messages that implement this interface. -
Interface: This interface extendssecs2.SECS2Message
to include HSMS-specific attributes, such as the session ID, system bytes, and header bytes. -
: These structs are concrete implementations of thehsms.HSMSMessage
represents SECS-II data messages used for exchanging information, whilehsms.ControlMessage
represents control messages used for managing the HSMS connection. -
Interface: This interface provides a unified representation of SECS-II data items. All SECS-II data types (ASCII, Binary, Boolean, Float, Int, Uint, List) implement this interface.
Object Hierarchy
hsms.HSMSMessage (interface): embeds secs2.SECS2Message interface
├── hsms.DataMessage
└── hsms.ControlMessage
secs2.Item (interface)
├── ASCIIItem (shortcut: A)
├── BinaryItem (shortcut: B)
├── BooleanItem (shortcut: BOOLEAN)
├── FloatItem (shortcut: F4, F8)
├── IntItem (shortcut: I1, I2, I4, I8)
├── UintItem (shortcut: U1, U2, U4, U8)
└── ListItem (shortcut: L)
go get
// create a list item
var listItem secs2.Item
listItem = secs2.NewListItem(
// indices: 0
// indices: 1
secs2.NewIntItem(4, 1, 2, 3, 4), // I4/int32 item with 4 values
// indices: 2
secs2.NewIntItem(8, int32[]{1, 2, 3, 4}), // I8/int64 item with 4 values, accepts slice as input
// indices: 3
secs2.NewListItem( // nested list item
// indices: 3, 0
// indices: 3, 1
// or, create liste item with shortcut function
listItem = secs2.L(
secs2.I4(1, 2, 3, 4), // I4/int32 item with 4 values
secs2.I8(int64[]{1, 2, 3, 4}), // I8/int64 item with 4 values, accepts slice as input
secs2.L( // nested list item
// Accessing items
item := listItem.Get(0) // "test"
if item.IsASCII() { // should be true
str, err := item.ToASCII() // str == "test1", err == nil
// get items in the nested list
item, err := listItem.Get(3) // nested list item
if item.IsList() { // should be true
nestItem, err := item.Get(0) // ascii item "test2"
nestItem, err = item.Get(1) // ascii item "test3"
nestItem, err = item.Get(2) // nil, err == "failed to get nested item"
// or, use multiple indices to get nested items
nestItem, err := listItem.Get(3, 0) // ascii item "test2"
nestItem, err = listItem.Get(3, 1) // ascii item "test3"
nestItem, err = listItem.Get(3, 2) // nil, err == "failed to get nested item"
Refer to the SML document for details.
// set stream-function SML string with single quote. e.g. 'S1F1' W <A 'test'>
// set stream-function SML string with double quote. e.g. "S1F1" W <A 'test'>
// set stream-function SML string without quote. e.g. S1F1 W <A 'test'>
// quote ASCII item SML string with double quote. e.g. S1F1 W <A "test">
// quote ASCII item SML string with double quote. e.g. S1F1 W <A 'test'>
Refer to the SML document for details.
// set stream-function SML string with single quote, and quote ASCII item SML string with double quote.
// e.g. 'S1F1' W <A "test">
sml = `MessageName:'S7F26'
<A "path">
<A "model">
<A "version">
<U4[1] 256>
<A "value">
msgs, err := sml.ParseHSMS(sml)
if err != nil {
// handle error
for _, msg := range msgs {
// msg.Name() == "MessageName"
// msg.StreamCode == uint8(7)
// msg.FunctionCode == uint8(26)
// msg.WaitBit() == false
func msgHandler(msg *hsms.DataMessage, session hsms.Session) {
switch msg.StreamCode() {
case 98:
switch msg.FunctionCode() {
case 1:
err := session.ReplyDataMessage(msg, msg.Item())
if err != nil {
// handle reply error
func main() {
// ...
// Create a new HSMS-SS connection
connCfg := hsmsss.NewConnectionConfig("", 5000,
WithActive(), // active mode
WithHostRole(), // host role
// other options...
conn, err := hsmsss.NewConnection(ctx, connCfg)
if err != nil {
// ... handle error ...
defer conn.Close()
// Add a session with session id 1000 before open connection
session := conn.AddSession(1000)
// Add a data message handler
// Open connection and wait it to selected state
err = conn.Open(true)
if err != nil {
// ... handle error ...
// Send an S99F1 message
reply, err := session.SendDataMessage(1, 1, true, secs2.NewASCIIItem("test"))
if err != nil {
// ... handle error ...
// Process the reply
// ... other HSMS-SS operations ...
func msgHandler(msg *hsms.DataMessage, session hsms.Session) {
switch msg.StreamCode() {
case 99:
switch msg.FunctionCode() {
case 1:
err := session.ReplyDataMessage(msg, msg.Item())
if err != nil {
// handle reply error
func main() {
// ...
// Create a new HSMS-SS connection
connCfg := hsmsss.NewConnectionConfig("", 5000,
WithPassive(), // passive mode
WithEquipRole(), // equipment role
// other options...
conn, err := hsmsss.NewConnection(ctx, connCfg)
if err != nil {
// ... handle error ...
defer conn.Close()
// Add a session with session id 1000 before open connection
session := conn.AddSession(1000)
// Add a data message handler
// Open connection and wait it to selected state
err = conn.Open(true)
if err != nil {
// ... handle error ...
// Send an S98F1 message
reply, err := session.SendDataMessage(98, 1, true, secs2.NewASCIIItem("test"))
if err != nil {
// ... handle error ...
// Process the reply
// ... other HSMS-SS operations ...