This is still a WORK IN PROGRESS. Feel free to contribute!
A framework and a CLI tool to measure throughput and end-to-end latency of an IoT Edge. Useful for:
- measuring the rate/throughput at transmitter egress (A) and iot hub ingress (B) along with the A-to-B latency
- sizing HW (or VM) to meet the target rate/latency or assessing the maximum rate/throughput achievable on a given configuration
- optimizing rates/latency by fine-tuning message batching
The framework includes:
- a transmitter module (1), to generate traffic
- an IotEdgePer.Profiler class (2), used by the transmitter module. It can also be used to instrument and profile your code
- an ASA query (3), to measure the ingestion latency and rate
- the IotEdgePer.ConsoleApp (4) CLI app, to control the transmitter, to analyze the data produced by the ASA job and show the results
An example:
dotnet run -- --payload-length=2048 --burst-length=10000 target-rate=500
- a TEST device (VM or real HW) provisioned with IoT Edge 1.1/1.2
- a linux DEV machine
- IoT HUB, ASA job, event hub
- optional: log analytics workspace
Log-in into the iot edge device and create the '/iotedge' folder (will be used to bind the edgeHub's folder):
sudo mkdir -p /iotedge && sudo chown -R 1000 /iotedge && sudo chmod 700 /iotedge
At any time you can check the size consumed by the edgeHub queue with:
du -hd1 /iotedge
./ -n myIotHub \
-d myEdgeDevice \
-i arlotito/iotedgeperf-transmitter:0.6.0 \
-b 200
The parameter "-b 200" sets "MaxUpstreamBatchSize" to 200. Change it to fit your needs.
./ -n myIotHub \
-d myEdgeDevice \
-i arlotito/iotedgeperf-transmitter:0.6.0 \
-b 200 \
-m -w myLogAnalyticsWsName -g myLogAnalyticsWsResourceGroup -f 2
The paramter "-f 2" would set the metrics scraping to 2 seconds. Change it to fit your needs.
dotnet run -p ./source/IotEdgePerf.ConsoleApp -- \
--ehName="myEventHubName" \
--eh-conn-string="Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=xxx" \
--iot-conn-string="HostName=xxx;SharedAccessKeyName=service;SharedAccessKey=xxx" \
--device-id="myEdgeDevice" \
--payload-length=2048 \
--burst-length=10000 \
--target-rate=500 \
-o test.csv
To make the command line command shorter, some parameters can laso be passed over via ENV variables:
export DEVICE_ID=__redacted__
export EH_NAME=__redacted__
export EH_CONN_STRING=__redacted__
export IOT_CONN_STRING=__redacted__
export IOT_HUB_NAME=__redacted__
and then run with:
dotnet run -p ./source/IotEdgePerf.ConsoleApp -- \
--device-id="myEdgeDevice" \
--payload-length=1024 \
--burst-length=10000 \
--target-rate=2000 \
-o test.csv
On the DEV machine, build the iotEdgePerfTool as a self-contained binary:
dotnet publish ./source/iotEdgePerf/iotEdgePerf.csproj -r linux-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --configuration Release -o .