Super Mario Clone of the original Super Mario Bros game for Android
Name your specifications here:
- What emulator should graders use? Pixel 3 XL or Pixel 2 XL
- Should graders use an Android phone? If a Pixel 3 XL or Pixel 2 XL is available, then yes.
- Any other requirements? Touch and hold on the right side of the screen to accelerate right or the left side of the screen to accelerate left. Tap only the top part of the screen to jump straight up, and tap and hold the right or left side of the screen in addition to tapping the top part of the screen to jump to the right or left, respectively. If you are using the emulator, please push the jump button in the center of the screen to jump (since emulator does not accept multi-touch inputs).
The following required functionality is complete:
- Game scrolls across the level in landscape fashion
- There are 3 levels and Mario has 3 lives
- Game keeps a running score
- Game keeps track of Mario's lives
- Mario can collect the following items by running into them:
- Brick Blocks (10 points)
- Coins (200 points, common)
- Super Mushroom (1000 points, less common)
- Starman (1000 points, less common)
- The following transformations are implemented:
- Super Mario (item used: Super Mushroom)
- Invincible Mario (item used: Starman)
- The following enemies are implemented:
- Little Goomba
- Piranha Plant
- The following interactions are implemented:
- Mario can move side to side
- Mario can jump
- When Mario jumps on top of a Goomba, he defeats the Goomba
- Mario gets hurt when he runs into a Goomba or a Piranha Plant (unless he is Invincible Mario)
- Invincible Mario defeats all enemies in contact
- Super Mario has a larger form and if he gets hurt, he reverts to regular Mario
The following additional features are implemented:
- Theme music (with mute button that saves preferences)
- Restart button and alert when game is over with option to restart/exit
- Mario can jump both to the left, right, and straight up
Super Mario Bros. is a trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc.