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mojavelinux edited this page Mar 21, 2012 · 36 revisions

This page tracks the outstanding work and ideas for the website, ranging from fixes to enhancements.

TODO - General

  • upgrade to jQuery 1.7.1 (carousel needs to be upgraded for it to work)
  • RedCloth still having problems w/ translations out of the box?
  • add ohloh "I use this" badge: %script{:type=>'text/javascript', :src=>''}
  • Marvel font does not have certain characters used in the Polish character set (ą ę ć ż ź ł ń ś)
  • support translated bookend content for guides (share the knowledge section, toc header)
  • toggle code snippets like on
  • callouts for code sample in slideshow:
    • #3 Makes the business component available to the test case
    • #4 Declares a test assertion to validate an operation of the component
  • guide group names needs to be a site property (hash or array)
  • document the features of the arquillian website (for focus group and to as reference for others)
  • make sure it's easy to figure out how to find the forum (explain that there is no mailinglist atm)
  • link checker (wget --spider --force-html -r http://localhost:4242/index.html > report.txt 2>&1)
  • add user avatar to blog entry (see
  • how to use IRC chat page from content
  • last published date for website (footer or header)
  • unify team and contributors name/position stying
  • use to pull bios for team and contributors pages
  • style class for feature image in blog
  • link Invasion Team images to github, jboss community, twitter, etc (bigger pictures?)
    • see contributions page
  • link to FAQ? (other than in guides index, footer?)
  • float module info in release blog to right
  • tutorial versions? (best to do it by major arquillian release)
  • do git reflog surgery on guides to changelog looks pretty
  • support hiding the sidebar like on octopress theme:

TODO - Content

    • document that native ruby must be used for proper rendering of translations
    • document how to manage cache when building site (partially addressed via _bin/
  • Guide (tweaks)
    • document use of defaultProtocol better (probably in rinse and repeat)
  • Code

TODO - Design

  • header section on home page so that page can be white (linear gradient isn't working on mobile)
  • font colors in general, colors of callouts in guide
  • callouts for code in home page slider

To fix

  • use "metadata" instead of "authors" for meta of guide; remove hard-coded paddings
  • date style (merge pending)
  • jGFeed is destroying the year of the published date
  • make slides responsive to window resize (calculate width of slide when transitioning)
    • currently a bit hacked up
  • rename guides #section div to something more appropriate (perhaps use #content-header)
  • fix total hack in css of upcoming events on home page
  • cleanup images, make naming consistent (hyphen vs underscore)
  • get rid of "bp" class on body (merge pending)
  • find way to remove duplicate markup for blog index and entry
  • remove inline CSS hacks
  • JBoss Community button needs to be better integrated. is it an action?
  • can't get filename block to overlap code block
  • make interwiki syntax more concise, if possible (currently "ARQ-100":issue://ARQ-100)
  • bullets in blockquote not supported by textile, workaround is ugly
  • code index page is reflowing when ohloh gadget shows up
  • #category-header or #category rather than #content-header?
  • consider renaming to arquillian-website and use the gh-pages branch for publishing

Nice to have

  • map with all contributors, like ohloh has, but include everyone (
  • use for interacting w/ Github REST API
  • icons on pages for containers, testrunners and extensions
  • use layout for pages that use jsrender templates (keep javascript includes DRY)
  • display data about arquillian from stackoverflow (perhaps contributors with voted up answers)
  • auto select language based on accepts lang headers (override if they want specific language)
  • images in guides render and code snippets highlight in github file preview
  • use addthis buttons on guides instead of separate buttons
  • feedburner for RSS feed
  • PDF export for guides (w/ download link in upper right hand corner of guide)
  • quote bubble when you fly over Ike that says "Don't mock me."
  • testimonial block on home page (see
  • consolidate duplicate reference guide in guides menu and index page
  • add rdoc / tomdoc for extensions (like the lanyrd extension)
  • collapse events from same event on home page event feed
  • tag cloud for guides
  • selenium server image in drone tutorial
  • Blog page title should use prefix "Arquillian Blog | "
  • Guide page title should use prefix "Arquillian Guides | " to key search engines
  • latest site updates based on commits to front-matter files
  • license page like sproutcore
  • back to top button on footer (see sproutcore or diigo for ideas)
  • slides.js w/ pure css slide transitions (


Phase II

  • charts using a js charting library
  • "accomplishments" like
  • modal dialog for person bio
  • use menu button (like on guides) for modules
  • html 5 tags (need to switch from hpricot to nokigiri)
    • html5 icon in footer
  • clearly identify what information we want in a release
    • release blog should have a summary that gets include in latest posts feed
    • list of contributors
    • maven coordinates/link
  • add best practices and tips to
    • jsonp, jsrender, jGFeed
  • responsive layout (based on susy)
    • support for mobile and tablet screens
  • write guides for the website that end up as tools project examples
  • Green Bar Challenge:
  • migrate from Hpricot to Nokogiri (will allow us to use html5 tags)
  • explore other inline textile tags such as link:/guides/getting_started