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Tam is the Assets Manager for you. (Tam is a tame lamb!

Tam is a tame lamb!

What is Tam?

Use Tam to copy, compress, combine, compile and hash static files for packages with dependencies, providing a resource list for each package.

Why Tam?

Tam is yet young and thus lightweighted. You can take full control of what Tam is doing.

And you can contribute to make Tam better! ;) Tam is still evolving. (Always 100% coverage!)



# Install as a library by
npm i --save-dev tam

# or as a command-line tool by
npm i -g tam

# It may be more convenient to clone this repository (so you can update it easily by pulling) and link it globally.
git clone && cd tam && npm link
# thus you can use it as a command-line tool, or link it in your project directory
cd /path/to/your/project && npm link tam


Tam works following a JSON file, by default named assets.json.

Below is a minimal case:

  "packages": {
    "angular": {
      "option": {"export": false},
      "src": "node_modules/angular",
      "files": ["angular.min.js"]
    "core": {
      "dependencies": ["angular"],
      "files": ["app.js", "base.css"]
    /* Below are pages */
    "home": {
      "src": "page",
      "dependencies": ["core"],
      "files": ["home.*"]
    "about": {
      "src": "page",
      "dependencies": ["core"],
      "files": ["about.*"]

Suppose we have the following files:

├── package.json
├── node_modules [+]
├── assets.json
├── core
│   ├── app.js
│   └── base.css
└── page
    ├── about.css
    ├── about.js
    ├── home.scss
    └── home.js

After running Tam by command line tam or programmatically require('tam').run(), following files will be generated:

├── linked.json
├── dist
│   ├── about
│   │   ├── about.css
│   │   └── about.js
│   ├── angular
│   │   └── angular.min.js
│   ├── core
│   │   ├── app.js
│   │   └── base.css
│   └── home
│       ├── home.css
│       └── home.js

Content of linked.json is the linked list of all resources:

$ jq . linked.json
  "about": [
  "home": [
  "core": [

In this demo, Tam works out the dependencies, copies static files, compiles scss to css.

With more options set, Tam can also compresses css and js and hashes them.


Command-line Usage

tam                       # Build and output linked.json according to assets.json
tam whatever.json         # Same as the above except reading whatever.json
tam -a whatever.json      # Same as the above
tam -m compress,3 -s 8,3  # Same as the first except forcing assets.option.mode = ['compress', 3], assets.option.hash = [8, 3]
tam -l trace              # Same as the first except setting log level to trace

tam -h      # Display a command-line guide
tam -v      # Show Tam's current version

Programmatical Usage

  assets: 'whatever.json',  // Default is assets.json
  mode: ['compress', 3],    // If omitted, Tam will follow assets.option.mode
  hash: [8, 3],             // If omitted, Tam will follow assets.option.hash
  log: 'trace'              // Set log level to trace

Assets, Packages and Options

  • Assets
    • .linked (default 'linked.json'): where to output the linked list.
    • .src (default '.'): base directory of source files.
    • .dist (default 'dist'): base directory of dist files.
    • .www (default assets.dist): the prefix to remove before outputting to the linked list. Note: whether assets.www ends with '/' decides whether paths in the linked list begins with '/'.
    • .option (default {mode: ['copy', 0], hash: [0, 0], export: [true, 0]}): the global option. See also the Option part.
    • .packages (required): a dictionary of all packages, e.g. {'some-package': {...}, 'another-package': {...}}.
  • Package
    • .dependencies (default []): Names of the packages this package dependents on.
    • .src (default the package's name): directory of its source files. Based on assets.src.
    • .dist (default the package's name): directory of its dist files. Based on assets.dist.
    • .files (default []): file matchers, e.g. ['base.css', '*.js', '**/*']. Based on package.src.
    • .option (default {mode: ['copy', -1], hash: [0, -1], export: [true, -1]}): the local option. See also the Option part.
  • Option
    • .mode: 'copy' or 'compress'.
    • .hash: integer, length of the hash adding to a file's name. If set to 0, no hashing operation will be performed.
    • .export: boolean, whether the package should be output to the linked list.
    • [behavior]: including .compress.js, .compress.css and .compile, see UglifyJS, CleanCSS and Node-sass.
    • .compress.js.mangle (default true): mangle JavaScript variable names when compressing.
    • .compress.js.prefix and .compress.js.suffix (default '' and ''): add prefix and suffix to combined JavaScript files when compressing.
    • Priority: to merge global and local options, Tam supports priority mode. Instead of option[key] = value, use option[key] = [value, priority]. By default, global priority is 0 and local priority is 1. With same priority, local overrides global. Of course you can simply use the old-fashioned option[key] = value and let Tam decides the priority.

Then What?

Make use of the linked list Tam presents.

For SPA developers, we recommend TamHTML. A example is, please look into its gulpfile.js and assets.json.

For other framework users, just get files a package needs from the linked list and output the css and js files to link and script tags. See also #2: Bundle with frameworks.

For CDN users, you can upload the entire dist directory and change the linked list accordingly.

We are currently working on gulpTam and a plugin management system to work with things like TamHTML.

License and Acknowledgements

MIT © arrowrowe.



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Tam is the Assets Manager for you.







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