Code examples are based on questions from certification the Adobe Certified Professional - Adobe Commerce Developer with Cloud Add-on.
Author is Artemii Karkusha. Please, left a star if was helpful for you. Thank you.
- Describe how the ACL works with roles and resources.
- Code examples:
- Adobe docs:
- Identify the components to use when creating or modifying the admin grid/form
- Code examples:
- Adobe docs:
- Identify the files to use when creating a store/admin config and menu items
- Code examples:
- system.xml
- menu.xml
- dependsOnConfig It is very helpful attribute which helps to control visibility of menu item with config.
- Adobe docs
- Describe Magento file structure
- Describe Magento CLI commands
- Code examples:
bin/magento preparingToCertification:deliveryService:create --example_required_option=123 --example_none_option
- Docs:
- Describe cron functionality
- Code examples:
- Docs:
- Given a scenario, describe usage of the di.xml
- Code examples:
- etc/di.xml - Argument types
- DI in GLOBAL area
- Virtual Type
- Override arguments for Frontend Area
- DI in FRONTEND area
- Sensitive and system-specific configuration settings
- Docs:
- Given a scenario, create controllers
- Code examples:
- Create a custom router (di.xml)
- Create a custom router (Router)
- Create a controller in admin area (Page)
- Create a controller in frontend area (Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\Raw)
- Action classes:
- Result objects:
- Docs:
- Describe module structure
- Docs:
- Describe index functionality
- Code examples:
- Docs:
- Describe localization
- Code examples:
Strings added in .phtml templates:
Strings added in email templates:
- Create email template:
- Add translate for stable phrase:
- Add translate for phrase with a variable:
bin/magento preparingToCertification:email:send --template_identifier=email_example --send_to_email="" --store_code=default
- Docs:
- Describe plugin, preference, event observers, and interceptors
- Describe custom module routes
- Describe URL rewrites
- Describe the Magento caching system
- Describe stores, websites, and store views (basic understanding)
- Given a scenario, change/add/remove attribute sets and/or attributes
- Describe different types of attributes
- Given a scenario, use a DB schema to alter a database table
- Describe models, resource models, and collections
- Describe basics of Entity Attribute Value (EAV)
- Apply changes to existing product types and create new ones
- Modify and extend existing Catalog entities
- Demonstrate the ability to manage Indexes and customize price output
- Explain how multi-source inventory impacts stock (program level)
- Describe cart components
- Describe a cart promo rule
- Given a scenario, describe basic checkout modifications
- Given a scenario, describe basic usage of quote data
- Given a scenario, configure the payment and shipping methods
- Given a scenario, configure tax rules, currencies, cart, and/or checkout
- Identify the basics of category management and products management
- Describe product types
- Describe price rules
- Describe price types
- Define Adobe Commerce architecture/environment workflow
- Describe cloud project files, permission, and structure
- List services available on Adobe Commerce on Cloud
- Describe how to access different types of logs
- Describe steps for applying patches (Identify which folder to put patches in)
- Describe how to Maintain and upgrade ECE tools
- Identify when to call support *Yaml files and limitations (DIY vs Support tickets)
- Identify how to setup/configure Adobe Commerce Cloud
- Define Basic Cloud troubleshooting (Hierarchy of web UI and variables, configurations precedence)
- Recognize basic knowledge of cloud user management and onboarding UI
- Describe environment Management using UI
- Describe branching using UI
- Identify Adobe commerce Cloud Plan capabilities
- Describe exclusive features of Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI tool (CLI exclusive features: activate emails, rebase environments, snapshot, db dump, local environment setup)
- Describe branching using the Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI tool
- Identify ways to connect to cloud services? (My SQL, Redis, tunnel:info)