This module implements the parsing of logs in zip format. E.g. log-files can be placed in LogsProcessing/
1. create and source venv
2. cd LogsProcessing
3. pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt
4. python3.6 --path_to_zip="./" --print
If on the step 4 there is no arguments path_to_zip and print, then default values are used:
- path_to_zip="./"
- data is not printed on console
1. create and source venv
2. cd LogsProcessing
3. pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt
4. python3.6 -m pytest --cov=. tests/
See LogsProcessing/application_logs/info.log
All necessary configs are in LogsProcessing/configs/
The result csv will be in the LogsProcessing/grouped_data/grouped_data.csv