composer require artgris/page-bundle
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
in config/packages
configure KnpLabs/DoctrineBehaviors:
- Add locale parameter in services.yaml:
locale: 'en'
- Add to AppKernel:
return [
Knp\DoctrineBehaviors\DoctrineBehaviorsBundle::class => ['all' => true],
- Add to DashboardController.php :
use Artgris\Bundle\PageBundle\Entity\ArtgrisPage;
public function configureMenuItems(): iterable
yield MenuItem::linkToCrud('Page', 'fa fa-file-alt', ArtgrisPage::class);
locale_provider: default
locales: [fr, en]
default_locale: fr
not required, no minimal configuration
controllers: #Namespaces used to load the route selector
- 'App\Controller\MainController::index'
- 'App\Controller\Main\'
- 'App\Controller\'
- ...
types: # add your own types
- integer: 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\IntegerType'
- date: 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateType'
- time: 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TimeType'
- custom: 'App\Form\CustomType'
- ...
default_types: true #load default form types [1]
hide_route_form: false #to hide the route selector (example of use: one page website)
redirect_after_update: false #always redirect the user to the configuration page after new/edit action
use_multiple_a2lix_form: false #to use multiple a2lix form
[1] Default form types list:
source: Artgris\Bundle\PageBundle\Service\TypeService
'type.text' => ArtgrisTextType::class, => not required TextType
'type.textarea' => ArtgrisTextAreaType::class, => not required TextAreaType with rows = 8 + renderType: \nl2br
'type.section' => SectionType::class => h2 section, type hidden, to delimit "blocks"
1 - Create a page and add blocks
2 - Edit the content of the blocks
3 - Retrieve a simple block by tag
{{ blok('title') }}
=> return "My website"
use the debugging bar to easily find all blocks by route. (click on block tag to copy/paste code)
Retrieve all blocks of the current page or not linked to a page
{% for blok in bloks() %}
{{ blok }} <br>
{% endfor %}
Retrieve all blocks by page tag
{% for blok in page('homepage') %}
{{ blok }} <br>
{% endfor %}
Retrieve blocks with a regular expression
in an array
{% for blok in regex_array_blok('^sidebar-*') %}
{{ blok }} <br>
{% endfor %}
implode in a string
{{ regex_blok('^sidebar-*') }}
create a form type that implements PageFromInterface:
namespace App\Form;
use Artgris\Bundle\PageBundle\Form\Type\PageFromInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextareaType;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
class CustomType extends AbstractType implements PageFromInterface
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'attr' => [
'class' => 'custom',
'required' => false,
public function getParent()
return TextareaType::class;
public static function getRenderType($value)
return $value. '<hr>';
Edit the rendering as you wish using the getRenderType method.
Export database model (no values) in a file ("/pages/model.yaml")
php bin/console artgris:page:export
/pages/model.yaml extract:
route: 'App\Controller\Main\MainController::index'
name: 'page 2'
type: Artgris\Bundle\PageBundle\Form\Type\ArtgrisTextType
name: 'blok 10'
translatable: false
Import model ("/pages/model.yaml") in database
php bin/console artgris:page:import
add --remove-deviants to delete the content of types that have changed (ex: text type in yaml but integer type in bd)
php bin/console artgris:page:import --remove-deviants
add --ignore-names to ignore page and bloc names that have changed
php bin/console artgris:page:import --ignore-names
Remove extra pages/blocks (in database but not in model.yaml)
php bin/console artgris:page:remove:extra
All blocks of the current page or not linked to a page are cached (and present in the debug bar) after calling one of these twig functions:
- bloks()
- blok('block-linked-to-the-current-page') => via route selector in page configuration
- blok('block-linked-to-any-page') => route selector left empty
content added to the cache after the first call:
- blok('block-of-another-page')
not in cache, required new db call after each call:
- page('page-tag')
- regex_array_blok('regex-expression')
- regex_blok('regex-expression')