A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.
Blog project is one of my very first project to get used to work with .NET MVC C#. I learned a lot of new knowledge through this project.
The technologies I used in this project is: ASP .NET MVC C# (Entity Framework) as back-end. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, as front-end. And, PostgresSQL as my data base.
In my blog project, it has authorization, authendication, and security. I'm the only person can write a blog's post on my website. The other users can read without login but they have to login to write comment, change their name, phone number, email address, password, or upload their avatar image.
After all, this is not a hard project, but at the time working on it, I learned and improve a lot of skills. If you want to visit and have a quick look at it.
This is the link to my personal blog: http://duylanle-blog.herokuapp.com/
Notes: My personal blog is hosted on a free Heroku server, so, It will take a minute to boot up.