A ROS2 node that captures input from the Stadia bluetooth controller and publishes to the various ROS2 topics.
- ROS2 build environment
- ROS2 Iron has been installed
- ROS2 workspace is installed at ~/ros2_ws
- Source folder is configured at ~/ros2_ws/src
- Python3
- Stadia controller converted to bluetooth
- Capture input from Stadia Controller : DONE
- Add ROS parameter to specify Stadia bluetooth device name : WIP
- Add ROS parameter to specify type of message to be published: WIP
- Publish sensor_msgs/Joy message : WIP
- Publish geometry_msgs/Twist message : TO DO
- Detects connection/disconnection of Stadia bluetooth device
- Captures all axes and button inputs
To build this project run
>> cd ~/ros2_ws/src
>> colcon build --packages-select stadia
To deploy this project run
>> source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
>> ros2 run stadia stadia_node