Intetics Test Task "Antonnikau Artur"
About installation
- Clone a GIT ripository: git clone
- Create a DATABASE name(mydb): CREATE DATABASE mydb;
- Install a backup mydbdump.sql: 3.1 Open CMD(ADMIN) in MYSQL folder: bin> 3.2 connect mydb database with dump(mydbdump.sql): mysql –u[user name] -p[password] -h[hostname] [mydb] < C:[localpath]\mydbdump.sql
- Install bash file Open a bash in local directory and write "sh"
- Open a command line and type "node app.js"
- Type in browser
This application it`s a test task.
Application Goals
- register Androids living among humans
- assign Androids to a suitable job
Application Functionality
- The Operator of the application is a main user of the application. There can be an infinite number of Operators. Can be created manually.
- The Operator should be able to login to the application.
- The Operator can create/read/update/delete (CRUD) Jobs or Androids.
- Job includes:
- name (Alphanumeric, hyphen | min-length: 2, max-length: 16)
- description (max-length: 255)
- complexity level (for future statistics purposes)
- Android includes:
- name (Alphanumeric, hyphen | min-length: 5, max-length: 24)
- avatar
- skills (list of tags)
- reliability (default value is 10), decreasing every time when Job is changed. When reaches 0 change Android status to 0
- status (1 or 0, 0 means Android should be reclaimed)
- Operator should have an ability to CRUD Android and Job via user interface
- Operator should have an ability to assign Android to Job.
- On the Job page there should be a list of assigned Androids.