Library for Setting the PWM Frequency
Originaly written by kiwisincebirth 2014
Please keep in mind that changing the PWM frequency changes the Atmega's timers and disrupts the normal operation of many functions that rely on time (delay(), millis(), Servo library).
This Library supports ATMega 328, 32U4 (Leonardo) and ATMega4809 (Nano Every).
Here are some usage examples of the function:
// Set pin 9's PWM frequency to 3906 Hz (31250/8 = 3906) // Note that the base frequency for pins 3, 9, 10, and 11 is 31250 Hz setPwmFrequency(9, 8);
// Set pin 6's PWM frequency to 62500 Hz (62500/1 = 62500) // Note that the base frequency for pins 5 and 6 is 62500 Hz setPwmFrequency(6, 1);
// Set pin 10's PWM frequency to 31 Hz (31250/1024 = 31) setPwmFrequency(10, 1024);
Thanks to macegr of the Arduino forums for his documentation of the PWM frequency divisors. His post can be viewed at:
Thanks to MacTester57 (aka TheDIYGuy999) for providing ATMega 32U4 testing
Thanks to plymdiver of the Arduino forums for his explaination on how the ATmega4809 timers works and which timer corresponds each pin.
2.0 2014-07-30 Added Support for ATMega 32U4 Leonardo timers
Because it looks like, that this repo ( is not maintained anymore, I've cloned it.
The following changes were done by me, TheDIYGuy999:
- Syntax coloration enhanced
- folder structure changed, so you can download and install it as usual
Changes done by arufl:
- Support for Nano Every