A gulp plugin that allows you to programmatically invalidate paths in AWS cloudfront.
This version invalidates the array of files that were updated, created, or deleted by gulp-awspublish.
This will work with any similar plugin that uses the same file.s3
API internally.
Tested with gulp-awspublish
See gulp-awspublish for more implementation details.
npm install gulp-cloudfront-invalidate-aws-publish
var gulp = require('gulp')
, awspublish = require('gulp-awspublish')
, cloudfront = require('gulp-cloudfront-invalidate-aws-publish');
var publisher = awspublish.create({
region: 'your-region-id',
params: {
Bucket: '...'
}, {
cacheFile: 'your-cache-location'
// define custom headers
var headers = {
'Cache-Control': 'max-age=315360000, no-transform, public'
// ...
var cfSettings = {
distribution: 'E2A654H2YRPD0W', // Cloudfront distribution ID
accessKeyId: '...', // Optional AWS Access Key ID
secretAccessKey: '...', // Optional AWS Secret Access Key
sessionToken: '...', // Optional AWS Session Token
wait: true // Whether to wait until invalidation is completed (default: false)
gulp.task('invalidate', function () {
return gulp.src('*')
Lee Pender Lpender@gmail.com
Thanks to:
https://github.com/lpender/gulp-cloudfront-invalidate https://github.com/pgherveou/gulp-awspublish https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-debug/