by Arzu Isik Topbas
I applied natural language processing to understand the sentiment in the latest news articles featuring Bitcoin and Ethereum. I also applied fundamental NLP techniques to better understand the other factors involved with the coin prices such as common words and phrases and organizations and entities mentioned in the articles.
I used the newsapi to pull the latest news articles for Bitcoin and Ethereum and create a DataFrame of sentiment scores for each coin.
Which coin had the highest mean positive score?
- A: Bitcoin had the highest mean positive score with a mean of 0.102, compared to Ethereum's mean positive score of 0.042.
Which coin had the highest negative score?
- A: Bitcoin had the highest compound score with a max of 0.817, compared to Ethereum's max compound score of 0.636.
Which coin had the highest positive score?
- A: Bitcoin had the highest positive score with a max of 0.233, compared to Ethereum's max positive score of 0.155.
In this section, I used NLTK and Python to tokenize the text for each coin. I also looked at the ngrams and word frequency for each coin. Finally, I generated word clouds for each coin to summarize the news for each coin.
Bitcoin Word Cloud
Ethereum Word Cloud
In this section, I built a named entity recognition model for both coins and visualize the tags using SpaCy.