Little helper tool which can be configured in the Greenshot Screen Capture Software and uploads Screen Captures directly into redmine.
The tool can be used as standalone and doesnt need an installation. Still theres some configuration necessary to integrate it into Greenshot.
Compile or place the executable from GreenshotRedmineUploader/bin/...exe on a suitable place on your computer. (Dont forget the DLL file Redmine.Net.Api.dll - it has to stay next to the executable) Configure the "External command Plugin" and add a new Item "RedmineUploader" with the following settings:
Command: Path to the executable
Argument: "{0}"
Then when the tool is started first time the Redmine Server and APIKey has to be inserted into the settings. It is not needed for issue updates but for creation of issues and changing priorities, states etc a Redmine Sync should be done (Button in the Settings).
It is downloading a Project List and other Informations for the Drop Down Lists. This will be cached on the Computer in order to make the process faster. A Syncronisation can be rerun all the time in order to get new updates.
Thats it. The tool is ready to use.
This tool is using the redmine-net-api ( - SVN Revision 118.
Copyright Michael Kling - Ascendro S.R.L
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- initial release
- Small fixes
- Add a file description
- Comment on old issue
- Issue ID input now with select box
- Select Boxes are sorted and have autosearch
- Add Issue Category selection
- Add Issue Version selection
- Load all Datafields when data for update issue is fetched
- Better text search on old issue combobox
- Tracker in update issue
- Option to only show open versions
- Smaller fixes for empty fields
- Optional disabling of SSL check - in case of systems using non trusted cert roots
- Possibility to open an issue after uploading the image
- Implementation of custom fields (can't be automized as field definitions are only accessible as admin user in redmine)