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Sarah White edited this page Apr 14, 2015 · 1 revision

DevoxxFR BOF Notes

Homepage Content Update and Layout Redesign

  • 50+ Repositories

  • 1 website


  • Description (1-2 sentences)

  • Benefits

  • User Journeys

    • Have entry points for major usecases

    • Homepage should take them through a journey of what the could do with Asciidoctor ecosystem

  • Tools

  • Components and integrations

  • Implementations


The design of the website and design of the updated Asciidoctor stylesheet and HTML output will work in parallel
  • Form team for design and website IA

  • #1 priority = upgrade to latest Foundation

  • Sass component needs to be pulled in

  • Reevaluate static website framework choice

  • logo

  • page template mockups

  • landscape maps

  • reusable graphics

  • user track graphics

  • projects can have their own landing pages/entry points in Asciidoctor url

Switch blog over to HubPress

blog → Hubpress → release notes, data log, short tips, features, event announcements
  • Read from other repositories

  • Create team for the blog

  • Make blog lightweight so doesn’t inhibit content

  • Put blog in own repository

ReadMe and docs for projects

For example, AsciidoctorJ and Asciidoctor.js could have their own manuals which can be included in the ginormous everything Asciidoctor user manual.

  • GitHub

  • Project repo

    • docs/folder

    • ReadMe

      • Major concepts only

      • Links to more information

      • Release Notes

What is a ReadMe?

ReadMe for each component includes:

  • 2 minute start

  • basic commands with links to more

  • diagram of layout with "you are here" marker

    • landscape with logo or image with nodes sharing what is connected (see adoc-editor landscape images)

Core ReadMe Overview: landscape at organization and group previews/languages/build tools/tooling

Rename gem?

Asciidoctor ruby or Asciidoctor gem?

The gem is just one part of the toolchain.

HTML converter

  • Create new HTML backend to use correct and modern HTML5

    • Put old HTML backend in legacy mode

    • Fix title HTML!

      • This is wrong = <p><span class:title>Title</span> foobar</p>

  • Easily customize CSS so websites that are created with Asciidoctor don’t all look the same.

  • Accessibility!

    • Accessibility should be first class priority.