- Working with various Data Formats.
- Pickling in Python.
- Reading and Writing Media (A/V/I) with Python.
- Multithreading in Python.
- A Practical Introduction To Networks and HTTP, Building a HTTP Server From Scratch
- A Practical Introduction To Cryptography
- Revisiting Docker with Dockerfiles and docker-compose
- Working with Databases in Python. (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis)
- An Introduction to Embedded Databases and ORM
- An Introduction to Django
- Django REST Framework
- Building a QR Authentication REST Backend
- Colored I/O on terminal. ANSI Escape Sequence. <Bonus!>
- JWT Authentication
- Integrating WebSockets with REST
- Javascript 101 - A fastboot to Javascript with JQuery and ES6
- Angular101
- Angular101 with Introduction to Reactive Programming
- Angular Examples
- Flutter101
- Flutter App Examples, HTTP and WS
- Discussion About Usage of Flutter, Angular and Django to make projects and Architecture of QR Authentication App.
- The way forward.