Introduction to the course, Python - An introduction
Python Essentials, Programming Fundamentals
STD. I/O and Flow Control(Conditionals), Flow Control(Looping) and Introduction to Data Structures in Python (Numbers, Strings and Lists)
Functions in Python, Data Structures in Python (Part-1) - Data Types (Except Bytes, Type Conversions and Interview Questions)
Data Structures in Python (Part-1) - Data Types (Bytes, Type Conversions and Interview Questions), Data Structures in Python (Part-2) - Lists, Tuples, Sets, FrozenSets, Dictionaries
Exception Handling and File Handling Basics, Object Oriented Programming in Python (Part-1) - Introduction and some operators
Object Oriented Programming in Python (Part-2) - Recap of Part-1, Inheritance and Overloading
Modules and Packages in Python, using PIP. Searching for relevant modules using help and dir on external modules.
Structuring a python project, Dependency management using virtualenv and docker
Python STL - Recommended by Guido Von Rossum (Regex, OS tasks, urllib - why use it and creating a downloader, math and statistics, Testing- Unittests, doctests and Performance Testing)
But remember knowing English doesn't make you Shakespeare and Knowing Python won't make you programmer.
A great source of resources as well as inspiration on learning Behind the scenes of things not only in python but many other languages and domains-