🔭 I’m currently working on Segment Anything Image Segmentation Model
💬 Ask me about Python, JavaScript, Generative AI, ML, Docker, Data Analysis
📫 How to reach me ashhadahsan@gmail.com
🔭 I’m currently working on Segment Anything Image Segmentation Model
💬 Ask me about Python, JavaScript, Generative AI, ML, Docker, Data Analysis
📫 How to reach me ashhadahsan@gmail.com
A python package to convert fastapi endpoints to postman collection 🦫
Python 6
This is Java Based implementation of the famous game "Jeopardy" that uses TCP Connection.
This is a Java based implementation using MySQL database at the backend.
A Swing based app that takes quizes from differnet subjects using OOP concepts
A C++ implemenration of Shortest Job First and Roun Robin scheduling algorithms in a Complain management system using Data Structures (Linked List)