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Android MovieDB application using TMDB api. Developed for Grameenphone Codemasters Hackathon that placed first in the competition.

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Repository files navigation

Codemasters Submission

Implementation Details

  • uses AndroidX
  • uses Kotlin
  • uses databinding
  • uses android jetpack navigation and architecture components
  • architectural pattern MVVM as recommended by Google
  • deals with security issues by keeping secrets like api_key isolated from source code
  • uses Glide for fetching remote images
  • uses Retrofit and RxAndroid to make API calls
  • uses Chucker for testing and logging API calls
  • uses Room ORM for local db
  • uses Lotte for animations
  • uses two types of caching mechanism.
    • Glide Image Loader cache implementation. My implementation caches remote images upto 50mb which allows app to render high res images faster.
    • API caching. Caches network calls made by retrofit and loads data accordingly. These allows the user to have offline mode usage (when no internet is available).
  • uses separate build flavors for grameenphone and telenor. (Different icons and different app name)
  • uses Chucker, junit, espresso and roboelectric for testing


Home Page

  1. The Home Screen fetches 3 lists of data from the given API and populates 3 recycler views with it. The first two recycler views scroll horizontally and the last one scrolls vertically as specified.

  2. A loader animation (lotte) is shown every time the app waits for an api call.

  3. Theres a wishlist icon in this page, that shows if any of the movie/tv show in this page was wishlisted by the user.

Detail Page

  1. This page renders a full screen detail of a movie/tv show.

  2. Theres a add to wishlist feature in this page. Pressing the heart shaped button toggles a item between being wishlisted and not.

  3. The wishlisted items are stored in a local SQLite database (powered by ROOM ORM)

Wishlist Page

  1. This page shows the items currently in the user's wishlist.

  2. A user can remove an item from the wishlist by pressing the delete icon on the right.

The following video demonstrates the app's features:

Project Structure

  • /app/src/grameenphone directory contains specific resources for Grameenphone app's flavor

  • /app/src/telenor directory contains specific resources for Grameenphone app's flavor

  • /app/src/main/java/com/gphackathon directory contains the user interfaces, view models, models, database etc. It has four sub-directories:

    • data directory contains the local model classes, constants & the remote response models
    • views directory contains all the ui related codes, fragments, activities, dialogs etc
    • utils directory contains the utility classes for the project
      • api directory contains the apiclient and apiservices for retrofit and rxjava2
    • app contains the base mulidexapplication for this app
  • app/src/main/res contains the xml resources for this project i.e xml ui layouts, drawables, themes, colors and strings.

Installation Guidelines

  • Clone/Download the repo
  • The project was build using the latest(v4.1) Android Studio. Opening it with android studio version 4.0 or up should be fine.
  • Wait until the gradle dependencies are resolved
  • The project uses gradle version (6.5). In case of any issues, check your gradle version.
  • Select your desired build variant from the build variant tab. The options should be: grameenphoneDebug, grameenphoneRelease, telenorDebug, telenorRelease.
  • Run the project


Android MovieDB application using TMDB api. Developed for Grameenphone Codemasters Hackathon that placed first in the competition.





