Play the Let's Go Driving game online here!
textable link so you can send it to someone else if they want to play
Let's go driving is a typing game where you copy quotes into a box as quickly and accurately as you can to make the car move forward based on your speed.
The first part of this game, including the timer, the typing box, the red and green text, and the fetching the quote I got from coding along with a Web Dev Simplified speed typing game.
I added the functionality for a car in JS and made the car move forward based on the speed of the player typing in the quote correctly. Then I created a usable visual interface for it.
I had been using a quote API for the random quote part of the game, but that site recently shut down. So I made a json file and put 150 inspiring quotes in it and linked to that as the source of quotes instead.
Here's a link to the wiki describing my MVP process: