This is a portfolio website built using ReactJS to showcase my projects, skills, and experiences as a developer. It features a clean and modern design, ensuring an engaging user experience. With a fully responsive layout, it provides seamless viewing across devices, from desktops to mobile phones.
Responsive Design: The portfolio adapts to various screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing on different devices.
Interactive Navigation: Users can easily navigate through different sections with an intuitive and interactive menu.
Project Showcase: Detailed project descriptions, images, and links to live demos or GitHub repositories are provided.
Skills Highlight: A comprehensive overview of my proficiency in various technologies is showcased.
About Me: Visitors can learn about my background, interests, and motivations as a developer.
Contact Form: A contact form facilitates communication for inquiries, collaboration opportunities, or feedback.
ReactJS: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
HTML: Standard markup language for web pages.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for styling and layout.
JavaScript: Programming language for dynamic and interactive content.
Netlify: Used for deployment purposes.
GitHub Pages: Deployment platform for hosting the portfolio online.
To run the portfolio locally:
Clone the repository:
git clone