This is a sentiment classification project with Twitter US Airlines Sentiments Dataset available on Kaggle It is a record of tweets about airlines in US. Along with other information, it contains ID of Tweet, sentiment of tweer ( neutral, negative and positive), reason for negative tweet, name of airline and text of tweet. Here it is posed as a binary classififcation problem by converting neutral and positve tweets into one category. Suitable Exploratory Data Analysis has been done followed by modeling as follows
- Bag of Words with Naive Bayes
- TFIDF with Naive Bayes
- Word 2 vec with Naive Bayes
- TFIDF weighted word2vec with Naive Bayes
- Multilayer perceptron with embedding layer
Different techniques has given different recall values as follows
- Naive Bayes with BOW = 0.75274
- Naive Bayes with TFIDF = 0.7556
- Naive Bayes with Word2Vec = 0.8061
- NB with TFIDF weighted Word2Vec = 0.78127
- Embedding layer in Keras = 0.865
- Embedding layer with pretrained glove vectors = 0.907
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