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Data structures library, implemented in Standard C.

Data Structures

This is a (work-in-progress) library of simple and easy to use, data structures for the C language. No libraries used, except for the Standard C library.

Category Data Structure Operations Implemented Interface Implementation
Basic Array Initialize, Destroy, Append, Insert, Delete, Swap, Linear Search, Binary Search, Get, Set, Max, Min, Sum, Reverse1, Reverse2 WIP array.h array.c
Basic 2D Array Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Traverse
Basic Linked List Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Traverse
Basic Circular Linked List Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Traverse
Basic Doubly Linked List Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Traverse
Basic Circular Doubly Linked List Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Traverse
Stack Stack (Array) Push, Pop, Peek, IsEmpty, IsFull
Stack Stack (Linked List) Push, Pop, Peek, IsEmpty
Queue Queue (Using Array + 1 Pointer) Enqueue, Dequeue, Front, Rear, IsEmpty, IsFull, Peek, Count Elements Done queue.h queue_arr1p.c
Queue Queue (Using Array + 2 Pointers) Enqueue, Dequeue, Front, Rear, IsEmpty, IsFull, Peek, Count Elements Done queue.h queue_arr2p.c
Queue Circular Queue Enqueue, Dequeue, Front, Rear, IsEmpty, IsFull, Done queue.h queue_circular.c
Queue Double-ended Queue (Deque) InsertFront, InsertRear, DeleteFront, DeleteRear, GetFront, GetRear, IsEmpty, IsFull
Queue Priority Queue Insert, DeleteMax/DeleteMin, GetMax/GetMin
Trees Binary Tree Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Traverse (In-order, Pre-order, Post-order)
Trees Binary Search Tree Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Traverse
Trees AVL Tree Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Rotate, Balance
Trees Red-Black Tree Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Rotate, Recolor
Trees B-Tree Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Split, Merge
Trees B+ Tree Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search, Split, Merge
Trees Trie (Prefix Tree) Initialize, Insert, Search, Delete, Prefix Search
Trees Heap (Min and Max) Initialize, Insert, Delete, Heapify, GetMin/GetMax
Graphs Adjacency Matrix Initialize, AddEdge, RemoveEdge, GetNeighbors
Graphs Adjacency List Initialize, AddEdge, RemoveEdge, GetNeighbors
Graphs BFS Algorithm Traverse
Graphs DFS Algorithm Traverse
Graphs Dijkstra's Algorithm FindShortestPath
Graphs Prim's Algorithm FindMinimumSpanningTree
Graphs Kruskal's Algorithm FindMinimumSpanningTree
Hash Tables Hash Table (Open Addressing) Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search
Hash Tables Hash Table (Chaining) Initialize, Insert, Delete, Search
Advanced Segment Tree Initialize, Update, RangeQuery
Advanced Fenwick Tree (Binary Indexed Tree) Initialize, Update, PrefixSum
Advanced Disjoint Set (Union-Find) MakeSet, Find, Union
Matrices Dense Matrix Initialize, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Transpose
Matrices Sparse Matrix (Array) Initialize, Add, Multiply, Transpose
Matrices Sparse Matrix (Linked List) Initialize, Add, Multiply, Transpose
Matrices Special Matrices (Diagonal, Triangular, etc.) Initialize, Add, Multiply


  • C compiler (e.g., gcc, clang)
  • Make

Building and Running Tests

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd LibCDS
  2. Build and run queue tests:

    make build_test_queues_arr1p
    make run_test_queues_arr1p

Using LibCDS in Your Project



What I cannot create, I do not understand. - Richard Feynman


Data Structures & Algorithms Library - in C







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